Does the Abrams have a spall liner? No from what I could find

wasting your time teling these people anything or link stuff, they dont care.

Has anyone seen this?


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His assertion is a lack of spall-liner in the turret fighting compartment.

Any additions to cordoned composite, whether it be plastic/glass/elastics and any liner of the sort, have no contribution to anti-spall characteristics.
I can argue for ceramic inserts to be modeled on 4S24U soft bags, same as I can argue for in-depth NERA modeling like on the Type-96… Both of these, much like your belief that composite liners are relevant, have no sway in this topic.

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That would be an interesting addition to the XM-1, sure, but that’s just throwing a pigeon over the trenches.

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The MBT-70 program explicitly stated the need for a 20mm, while the succeeding XM-803 didn’t.

Hell, I can bring in the existence of autoloading Leopard 2s and the 2FK, as they were prototypes, though there is no implication at all that it translated to production variants. ESPECIALLY when you can clearly see a lack of liner in production variants.

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I was actually convinced there was no spall liner but after reading the entire conversation I think the evidence is clear. Everyone saying the kavlar spall liner has to be the final layer seem like they’re just in denial. The hull as a hard stop behind the kevlar makes logical sense and I don’t see anything wired about it


There is no interior spall liner.

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Yes let’s move this here. There is no internal spall liner for the Abrams. Please provide one piece of evidence showing a picture of the liner.


The sources are all above you.

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All the evidences were already posted in this topic and in the bug report. Already told you multiple times I couldn’t care less about what you think or believe is right. It’s a good thing we live in a world where thinking something exists doesn’t wish it into reality. Either bring a primary source proving us wrong or stay silent.

And you’re free to consider yourself a primary source with nothing to back it up like you did in the other topic but don’t be surprised when people then take you for a fool. End of convo from me.

Just asking for a picture of the said liner (there isn’t one). The kevlar is sandwhiched behind the armor array but there is nothing on the interior of the tank. The kevlar primarily just supports the armor array and helps to have multi-hit survivability without armor quality deteriorating.


Do not worry, the devs are tracking that there is no interior spall liner.


Your DTIC says it will increase the weight by 4300 pounds (2.15t) total weight increase to M1A1 SA was 4.3t…

.69lb/cu in DU weight

2ft by 1ft by 1/4 in sheet ,72 cu in total cu in, x2 per cheek, 149.04 lb (0.07452 t) of DU

3ft by 1.5ft by 1/2 in sheet, 324 cu in, x2 per cheek, 447.12 lb (0.22356 t) of DU

12 ft by 2 ft by 1/2 sheet, 1728 cu in, I won’t do the x2 since this is the entire width of the tank face, 1,192.32 lb (0.59616 t) of DU

So are you seriously going to tell me a tank grossed 4.3t for the SA package, the previous upgrade just prior to the A2s, with DU armor and survivability upgrades and electronics. Yet none of that included Kevlar spall liner? Are you seriously going to say after a DTIC report the next upgrade that included survivability package. Somehow forgot the part saying the need for spall liner?


I’m asking y’all to show the internal spall liner, no one has posted an interior spall liner (yet). What the kevlar does for the composites is common among all western armor arrays and is even seen on more modern Soviet era stuff, let alone Russian Federation equipment.


Why are you deflecting? lol I just asked you for a source for your statement

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It’s not relevant, show me an interior spall liner. That’s what Gaijin wants to see. If you want to research the subject further there is plenty of information on google… it’s like asking for a source that Chobham is better than steel. It’s common sense.


Dude why you throwing a hissy fit? I just asked you for your source

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Gaijin wants to see the interior spall liner. If there is none, there will be none.

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He won’t give you a source because he has none. He said non ironically in another topic that his source was himself. Thus that means he considers himself a better source than every primary source posted here. That should tell you all you need to know about the individual and his overinflated ego and self-entitlement.