Does the Abrams have a spall liner? No from what I could find

Russian propagandists are just malding that the Ivans don’t have the know-how, industry or budget to do what the US can with hardware, armor and munition innovations.


This report reinforces my initial conclusion that logic dictates that the Abrams has had some sort of a spall liner from day one. In it there is a section talking about the improvements made to the baseline M3 to reach the M3A2 Bradley standard.
It mentions that during testing of the baseline M3 Bradley the Army identified the need for increased protection, including a crew spall liner, and added additional armor and a spall liner in the A2 update. Does it seem likely that the same military that quickly added a spall liner in the first update to an IFV isn’t at any point in the Abrams 40+ year lifespan going to discuss the addition of a spall liner to the Abrams, which as a tank is far more likely to come under heavy fire than a Bradly, unless the Abrams has always had one? Just my two cents.


So, in other words just about the entire Abrams should have secondary_shatter set to false?


Yes! :D

Probably the best way to put it. But the commies and Leo fans would mald even harder.


at least everywhere that has composite armor

Na. From what @Count_Trackula seemed to be saying the basic steel armor integrates an anti-spall backplate of soft steel. The photos and casualty reports of the Abrams that got nailed in the side hull where the only composite is in the skirts themselves seems to indicate that.


Integrated liner report was passed 8 hours ago so ball’s in the devs court


Hopefully something happens. The bug report talking about DU Hull was acknowledged but nothing happened:(

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Well, TrickZZter is involved, so nothing’s going to happen.


the TCM AGS has a spall liner modelled ingame but acts as RHA and does the opposite job it’s supposed to do. gaijin? please bro. fix that thing


hey i’m just psyched we got it through

Are all Abrams going to receive this? Finally M1 Abrams won’t suck.

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Don’t get your hopes up we all saw what happened with the DU inserts :(

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Funny part about DU is that its so old, the issue is on the VA side for DU health issues associated with frags and particle inhalation since the 80s and 1991…

“First deployed on a large scale during the Gulf War, the U.S. military uses depleted uranium (DU) for tank armor and some bullets due to its high density, helping it to penetrate enemy armored vehicles. DU is a byproduct of the Uranium (U) enrichment process where the ratio of natural U isotopes from the earth’s crust is ‘enriched’ with higher energy U isotopes to produce U suitable for use in nuclear reactors. The U remaining is “depleted” of about 40 percent of its radioactivity, but retains the same chemical toxicity as natural uranium. If you think you were exposed to depleted uranium during your service, talk to your local VA Environmental Health Coordinator. Ask to be screened for depleted uranium exposure.” –

But according to Gajin DU on DS era tanks never happened…I get game balancing - but just make all the top tiers equal and make it about skill and network speed like every other combat game :) FSB would understand Gajin - really they would…

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that picture of the inside of the Abrams turret with the guy inside…notice how there isn’t a single piece of equipment besides the main gun in there? its been either stripped to bare metal or is fresh from production and hasn’t gotten the liner yet. find me 1 picture of the same angle of a combat ready tank and I think there’s a bit of a difference

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A small source that confirm Integrated Spall Liner exist .

page 33
“Spall liners can either be used for added safety in case the armor system is overmatched or can be factored in as an integral part of the protection system
They also mention that
“Innovations in spall liners might come in the future, but no major improvement is expected.”


I highly suggest reading through this, it’s an offical study after Desert Storm. It states two things; the first being that the M1A1 and M1A2 have a spall liner made from kevlar (that spall liner is INSIDE the tank). The second being that the modern armor made from composites negates the shock wave that would normally travel through RHA type armors causing spalling. This is why countries like russia are upgrading all older models where as the US and Britain have only added minimal amounts to their newer tanks.


I think may have found something this could or could not be useful but I have no way of opening the old links on the website


You can also look at CAMAC spall liners for another example. I don’t think CAMAC is on the Abrams though is probably the Kevlar lining everyone is talking about or something else.

I don’t realy care about whoever is right or wrong…But in the document you are mentioning is just assessed that XM-1 “should” have spall lining. That does mean that the Abrams have it? I don’t know. Does this mean that it got no spall liner? I don’t know either…Maybe the correct outcome of reading 170 pages of raccomendation about a prototype from a 1977 document should be “I don’t know”.
Besides, I’m only referring my replay to that particular document. Nothing more, nothing less.