Does the Abrams have a spall liner? No from what I could find

I love going back through this thread and having half of it being inaccessible due to the stupid community flag system.


Usually you could still see it by pressing the “show the original comment”, kind of strange that they seem to have removed that option, because it was a nice to have feature.

Though you really didn’t miss much, sartt was doing sartt things and I let myself get baited out by it, which I honestly shouldn’t have done.

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Everything about it is a lie. It doesn’t even exist.

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Are you not able to “click to see” anymore?

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Nope… No way that could possibly be abused and hinder the games improvement through community feedback…

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Stop with your CAPITALIST LIES!!!

American VA said there was “No link found between Gulf War illness and depleted uranium”

further - “During the Gulf War, the U.S. military used DU in tank armor and for some bullets due to its high density, helping it to penetrate enemy armored vehicles.” - so nothing to see here, plz move along as the US Army never had DU spall liners and IF THEY DID - they were definitely not linked to Gulf war Illness.
Everyone needs to just accept that everything from 1980s up is pure game balancing and or cash grab from Gujin - it’s all fantasy and a game.


But uranium is radioactive so the rounds must make you get radiation sickness
Is this red colored thing in the turret armor some kind of a integrated spall liner? It looks a lot like rubber or something like that.

The armor on the shredder goes - Strike plate - liner - composite array - second composite array - ceramic array - air gap - ceramic array - back plate.

The red bits are ceramic.


Thank you.

Holy winrate Batman! 0_o

I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not.

What are you on about ???
The risk of DU has nothing to do with spall liners.
Besides that
-There are no disclosure about Abrams spall liners “yet”
-Even then Gaijin could just give Ballistic vest+helmet to compensate the lack of spall liners to any vehicles that need them
-Yes DU can cause health issues but so does other heavy metal when in dust. Not gonna dive deep into that.
There even declassified document where they does Live fire test on Abrams to see how much DU dust expose to crew. (i’m on a phone right now. So i’m not gonna bother try to find it)

He is being serious

Everybody knows that Russia would be getting such equipment before anyone else, even though such equipment wasn’t even standard in the Russian military for most of it’s exitance prior to the ratnik program.


"Again, the HIP bonded laminate of titanium alloy and C.P. Ti was the best. The maximum diameter of the penetration channel was approximately the diameter of the original projectile, nearly eliminating secondary lethality effects from spall behind the armor. "

was looking at what i saw in a quora answer about the abrams having laminated armor that isnt subject to spalling and found this


Laminated armor in game does not create spall either, the spall is created only by the last plate

Gulf War Syndrome was/is caused sarin

It doesn’t make logical sense that the Abrams wouldn’t have a spall liner. The US started to experiment with spall liners on the M60’s, and then a spall liner was directly included in the XM1’s.

It would make zero sense for the US army to develop an integrated spall liner on the XM1, and then not include on the Abrams, when one of the Abrams’ core design principles was crew protection and crew survivability.

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