Does the Abrams have a spall liner? No from what I could find

More so they aren’t supposed to engage with people who clearly have been ignoring the answers the whole time. The same reason Bowie or InterFleet hardly interact with users who are complaining about stuff like AIM-54 and radar fixes. You’ve been told exactly why that’s not sufficient information to add DU to hull armor not just by myself here… but by Gaijin in a dedicated post already. You’re using the SAME argument you did just a few comments ago. It’s just absurd that you’re still going on about those documents when they don’t prove anything about DU in the hull. They were not the sole document used to prove there would be DU in the turret either.

And their " dedicated post ’ was ripped to shreds by people with even more sources, to the point people even started linking things directly from the U.S President and the Secretary of Defense. about the Abrams D.U Hull armor. Gaijin has no responded to ANY OF THESE NEW SOURCES that DEBUNK Every shred of insane rambling they made. From not being able to prove how much D.U is in the armor all the way to saying the M829A3 Wouldn’t be any use against Russian ERA.

But people like you, ( and gaijin devs) are still stuck in that realm of BELIEF/FANTASY


Replace “Shells” and" Loadout "with " Armor " and you start seeing why.

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Of course he isn’t. He hasn’t been for years. They got that leash held firm.

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I guess we need to repost the things MiG doesn’t understand.

STGN can't read
Amendment No. 06 Sep 1999
Amendment 2006 Summary
Amendment 2006 Hull Limit Removal 1

So yeah…I’m asking Conraire, not the debunked post where Gaijin was wrong about absolutely everything. XD


“As needed” does not mean “was used”. Please stop reposting nonsense. Third or fourth time you’ve been explained this, and you’re bothering Conraire about it. Quit being silly.


Do you not understand what "as needed " means?


See, they can’t rely on MUH 5 HULLS and then things become so confusing to them their brain breaks.

I guess “The amount of DU in the armor is unlimited per the NRC License” isn’t clear enough for them either.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a real problem for them, it seems.


Do i need to use it in a sentence for you to comprehend its meaning?


Example sentences with As Needed (

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they got that K5/ Relikt ERA tied around their heads too tight.


Yes. He does. But it still won’t help him. Remember, when the turrets were authorized “as needed” it obviously meant it was in turrets. Gaijin came to the same conclusion.

But then when the SUB-1536 license was amended to remove the explicit 5 hull limit for DU in hulls, and was granted the exact same “as needed” authorization status as turrets in the same line item in the amended SUB-1536 license…“WHAT DOES MEAN?!? IS NOT SAME!”


I dont know what the issue is. do we need to go to General Dynamics Land System Home Office and get a signature signed from the Board of Directors? lol

I’m not sure that would do any good. They can’t comprehend something the moment it doesn’t suit them. Doesn’t really get more official than the government licenses. I remember that was the basis on which the Wehraboos were making a stink when trying to deny congressional reports.


Swedish diagrams claim the M1A2 should possess 600mm RHAe vs KE @ 60° frontal arc.
In-game M1A2 achieves 612mm RHAe vs KE @ 60° frontal arc.

Swedish diagrams claim the M1A2 should possess 900mm RHAe vs CE @ 60° frontal arc.
In-game M1A2 achieves 926mm RHAe vs CE @ 60° frontal arc.

A further diagram claims only 50% of the turret surface provides 600mm RHAe vs KE when viewed from 20° side view, in-game the M1A2 exceeds this number.



Gaijin has to keep the U.S Tech Tree held back, they haven’t give nthe Apache its armor Piercing D.U Rounds, they haven’t added the AH-1W, because we all know what Zuni rockets do to Tanks.


Funny, as you can’t seem to prove them to begin with.

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The Apache doesn’t have “armor Piercing D.U Rounds”, it’s primary round used (and that is currently in game) is M789. Apart from that, there’s a tracer and HE-I round, both of which are also in game.

There’s no reason for the AH-1W to exist in game. You have the AH-1Z. Sure, it would be interesting, though there is no reason to with the current AH-1Z.

Ah, yes, you’re trying to debunk sound information of the limited testing of DU hulls with a document with emphasis on the word “probably