Does Rank VIII Jet fighter without radar DL could only fire ARH missile on Inertial Guidance Mode beyond seeker working range?

For example, planes like AV-8B, Israeli F-15C, their radars have no DL for AAM while having TWS/RAM mode, does it means while firing their AIM-120s beyond 16km (seeker working range), the missiles could only flying on Inertial Guidance mode and without DL command for adjusting flight trajectory?

Yes exactly. You could fire them at longer range with a hard lock but I believe you can only guide one at a time (I think).

The actual gaming experience is similar to that of the J-11A with only one DL?

I don’t know how the J-11A plays.

no, you wont guide anything at all
even in hardlock
at least in AV-8B

It doesn’t it just crashes and gets shot out of the air by AIM120s cause it is N001 with 0 upgrade except for MAWS.

wow, only advantage of baz meshupar over baz - worser engines(on lower altitudes, lol), heavier, SAME RADAR w/ RAM, while cant guide his missiles at all), not to mention that it lacks of radar hmd lock

J-11 not that bad in BVR as Baz meshupar

Yeah it is pretty bad but even regarding the radar, Baz is similar cause J11A only has 1 datalink so only 1 target outside ARH startup any how and R77 is pretty retarded RN, I think the main thing I am annoyed about is that they had to copy the plane so badly from Su27 that they didn’t even notice that the stupid pylons are still blue same with the Su27SM and the front wind shield is still yellow.

J-11A have more range overall, just because theres 0 sense to fire AMRAAM from Baz at range longer than 20 km, it just wont lock
R-77 have no troubles to outrange it, not to mention that R-77 pulls way better than amraam