Does anyone know how to equip an AI unit created in the mission editor with custom weapons?

I’ve seen people apply custom weapons that are available to normal player aircrafts to AI units created in the mission editor, so I know there’s some way to do this, but I don’t know how. If anyone knows, I’d appreciate some help.

To my knowledge AI can use weapon only from existing presets. You cannot adjust custom preset to AI.
Also, you cannot do it for player as well in single mission.

Thank you for your reply, however, it was possible to change the armament by rewriting the aircraft data file extracted from the game data and saving it as a user model.
↓In fact, I tried some combinations that didn’t exist in the presets.

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Got it. Thank you for updating me.
Yeah, I guess one can create any weapon preset for custom model. But it does not work for standard units.
Great job, by the way!

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