Does anybody have any information on this Canadian Vehicle?

Recently @StormRyder13 brought up this vehicle in the WT CAN research Discord

This vehicle and asked if anybody had any information on it but from what I could find there wasn’t a lot of information on this vehicle. Some people call it the AVGP Wolverine SPAA but I’ve also found posts stating it was the Javelin Air Defence Special Equipment Vehicles (AD SEV) but I have no clue what is correct or not.

From what I could find was that, it was a prototype called the Javelin Air Defence Special Equipment Vehicles (AD SEV) trailed by 18 Air Defence Regt. RCA in April 2002 and that there were only about 2 of them made.

If you have any information or sources for this vehicle please feel free to share.

And if you are interested in Canadian Vehicles feel free to join the WT CAN research Discord (It’s also to just be used to research Canadian vehicles in general)

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I know about as much as you but I do know where the name Wolverine comes from: