Discussion of Potential Finnish and Swedish ground vehicles

KV-1B, and watch the whole forum go banana’s, especially if SWE gets matched with GER at that BR ;P


Remove the BMPs , or add them but remove the fictional Mİ-28A and the T -80 U


Both Finland and Sweden used BMP’s and the Mi-28 and T-80 are not fictional.


Where is the used Mi-28? I once sat in a Mig-29 , does that mean we get a tech tree mig-29 for me? Does driving for 1 hour count as used? Lmao

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Thanks for linking the UDES 08 Suggestion, if I may add in: There were two Pbv prototypes which carried 25mm cannons (with new turret compartment to house it). One which you mentioned: UDES 08, which carries the Mauser MK25E cannon. While the second Pbv, which I reference as “Pbv No.4002”: carried the Oerlikon KBA cannon. Only difference between were the firerate and the ammunition storage from what I managed to find.

Other than that, the list looks good. As we kinda need more vehicles for both Sweden and the Finnish sub-tree.

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KV-1B, and watch the whole forum go banana’s, especially if SWE gets matched with GER at that BR ;P

Finland can technically have 2 KV-1 variants (KV-1A & KV-1B) since they captured and subsequently operated both variant of KV’s

Both Finland and Sweden used BMP’s and the Mi-28 and T-80 are not fictional.

The main reason why Gaijin added both the Mi-28 & T-80 to the Swedish TT because Sweden at least evaluated both vehicles, for the Former i can’t blame Gaijin for adding it since there is not a lot of helicopters to add to the Swedish TT (especially at top-tier) and also it is (on paper) the worse of the Mi-28’s ingame. The latter is harder to justify since both Sweden and even Finland isn’t really lacking in ground vehicles (even MBT’s)

if I may add in: There were two Pbv prototypes which carried 25mm cannons (with new turret compartment to house it). One which you mentioned: UDES 08, which carries the Mauser MK25E cannon. While the second Pbv, which I reference as “Pbv No.4002”: carried the Oerlikon KBA cannon. Only difference between were the firerate and the ammunition storage from what I managed to find.

Thanks, I will fix that error

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Don’t forget Stug III

I am taking the suggested vehicles on the old forum into consideration (at least the ones that are currently not implemented). The thing is though is that there is some vehicles that are not present let alone have proper suggestion threads about them on the old forum (some of these vehicles are mentioned here). Also I prefer linking suggestions from the new forum instead of the old one since the old forum is somewhat busted

Here is a Lansverk L-60 in Irish service, it uses the same gun as Ireland’s L-180’s (a 20mm Madsen autocannon)


A side note, Ireland eventually replaced their Madsen autocannon with a Hispano-Suiza autocannon in 1974 for their L-180’s

Here some neat ones

AKV 151:
A competing deaign to the bkan in game, it was based off the kranvagn hull and was capable of a much higher top speed (55kmh). Its armour was also much better, being over 100mm… on the back… since the turret was mounted backwards…

A-34 comet qf 20pdr:
images (1)
A finnish prototype from the cold war, basically they wanted to mount the 105 l7 in their old comets, but Britain didn’t want to sell them any, so they went with the next best option

And for an interesting but unliky addition
M4 with 75mm k/44:
Its a project proposed by finland for the Israel. It would have used the newly developed 75 mm k/44 anti tank gun, a light anty tank gun that used ammunition from the german pak 40. It was denied in favor of what would become the M50.


God no its not a error, I just wanted to help you expanding your list and give some fast facts about the guns they were carrying.


Looking at the following articles:

there are several more armored vehicles that could be viable to add for Finland, though all are captured Soviet vehicles.
(* = new vehicle)

  • BAF A/B/C (BA-3/6/10) armored car *
  • BT-2 * (not mentioned in all sources)
  • BT-5
  • BT-7
  • T-50
  • T-60 (not mentioned in all sources)
  • SU-76 (not mentioned in all sources)
  • SU-152 (not mentioned in all sources)
  • ISU-152
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Don’t forget the Kranvagn/Emil! Turret never finished, but still definitely worth adding!


According to Wikipedia, Finland had 2 BTR-80s, with that said I attempted to find information about it but couldn’t find anything. However, there are many photos of a btr-80 painted in a finish camouflage in the Parola Armour Museum.

Images from Wikimedia
Image on reddit(image #6)

There is two main problem with the Finnish BTR-80, firstly is that it’s only armament is a 14.5mm HMG and the other issue that there is domestic counterparts that would fill it’s role better


Maybe I missed something but I think that you did not mention the cv90 mjolnir under the cv90 family section. Is this a conscious choice? If not then here a source for information on it: CV90 Mjolner 120 mm Self-Propelled Mortar | MilitaryToday.com


New vehicles now added to the list

A-34 Comet (QF 20pdr)
Lansverk L-180 (mod 1974): Irish modified L-180
CV90 Mjolner

The Sturmi tab will soon be expanded too

Thanks for clarifying, I was unsure if it had the 20mm since it was a BTR-80 “testbed” converted to a BTR-60.

We already have vehicles with just machine guns and they are quite fine at 1.0. It wouldn’t be exactly gamebreaking to have a funny BTR80 there, it would be a bit faster than most vehicles but that’s about it

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