Strv2000 still wont happen.
Its not a vehicle that technologicaly ever happend.
There is paper vehicles like F-16AJ yes, butbthey are based on proposed vehicles that do in fact exist and were added for balance reasons.
The Strv2000 simply doesnt exist and cant be added
I mean you only have Germany and a terrible kd on the best top tier tank nation , Russian tanks are no where near the leopards, who are better in every metric exept profile
The Russian armour is equal or inferior , they basically have the same weakspots exept that any pen of a Russian tank is a guaranteed 1 shot
As for the su34 having the best cas missles , France has missles almost as good as Russia , and unlike Russia has a agile light fighter and not a brick carrying them , + the cas options on Russia are needed since it has 5th best MBTs in the game
What’s even better is that after you die in the Rafale you can just hop into the Mirage 200D RMV which has only one less and is a much better platform than the Su-25 which is the best Russian second spawn.
Well sorry that you instantly feel personaly offended by someone pointing out the truth 😂
Thats real sad that you see the urge to directly look up someones game info and pretty useless cause i do play more casualy. This includes using my whole line up and playing losing matches and not instantly quitting like you apparently. Not to mention that my top tier Leopards still all are pretty mucj stock but ehh.
And besides that genius sweden is the best top tier tank nation. Germany has 1 armored leopard sweden has 3 , better spaa, better lights.
Read again what i wrote. I did say if you hit russian tanks right they instantly die. Doesnt change that frontal they are quite well armored thats a fact same with russian tanks benefiting of volumetric. They should perform way worse ,same with anti era capabilities not being implemented.
If you look at the other nations russianis way better armored then most others. Abrams is pretty near. I didnt say russian tanks are better armored as leopards, but they are in fact better the challengers, arietes, merkavas, Leclercs.
Besides thar leopards are pretty eas rontakebout as well if you know where to shoot.
Driver, gunner, commander literaly all sit right behind each other.
So you agree they have better missles and carry a lot of them which is enough. Whitz the range you can fire them from it matters less how agile su 34 is.
U speak like that is bad Thats a great number. Besides that.
2.leopard2a7hu/v pretty equal between abrams and t 80bvm, you are undervaluing your own tanks
talk like Up armored Leopard weakspots are changing everytime you meet them it also same weak spot LFP driver hatch and under the gun all you had to do is perhaps some aiming?
I mean I dont know how you have 130 games played and you are still stock, but maybe thats what happens with .6kd, as for me being personally affected, its me just saying that you are not allowed to judge if u didnt play both top tier nations as I have (I have prem 4m) and my kd on the 4m is double that of the bvm
It is the best tank only top tier nation, but the flackrad and eurofighter is superior to any air/ spaa that sweden has , and its not even close. Spike Puma> Cv 90, idk how u think its the opposite.
Please, if you give me a source of relict or kontact 5 underperforming, then it can be implemented , however there is not a single source showing that its overperforming and m uch more powerful then it is supposed to be.
Please show me any anti ERA capabilities which are not implimented that are able to be utilized by tanks, This is a tank only game, if u want inf as well go play enlisted
So is every tank?
The range that the Su34 has is max 20km and even then are very unreliable, so thats not that crazy when you can just hide behind a building and the guidence is trolled. Su34 gets slapped in any aircombat by any enemy planes and should get insta smoked if it takes off by the enemy teams fighters, since its super fat
I mean thats 5/10 which is half decent, combined with the worst air to air combat that is pretty terrible
The real list is
STv 122b+
Leo 2a7
(I said 5th because I thought we are looking at a ground lineup as a whole, but if we go by best tank its 6th place )
Same for russia? LFP, driver hatch and under the gun? Like you cope about russian armour yet somehow I am “not aiming” when I shoot the tanks with the same armour profile?
yeah, the same
You have to aim their weak spot they also need to do the same to you
but seem you guys have a problem with Leopard having armor for some reason (unless you don’t like something that entire hull wasn’t green like you used to deal before)
basic mods yeah, but since some nations besides russia arent handhold and get their laser rangefinders and thermals only tier 3/4 some perform better with less mods then others
But like i said, you being personaly offended over the whole thing seems to be a major problem of you
and here is where one learns you have no idea what you are actualy talking about
eurofighter is a better cas then gripen, even if the gripen does come with fnf which the euro lacks,
but the flarakrad being better then ito 90m xD jesus you are clueless
they use the same missles yes but
ito 90m better radar,
gen 3 vs gen 1 thermals
8 ready to fire vs 2
the flarakrad does have a massive capability gap compared to the ito90m
you know what the flarakrad has over the ito90m? smoke launchers which are useless because top A2G armament comes IOG which ignores smoke.
The capability to intercept working actualy better then smoke
All nations are massively underperforming compared to russia in spaa department and gajin acknowledging that and actively working on heavy spaa equipments for all nations is a blessing
Spike puma, spikes are a gimmick and work only half the time if even, which you would know if you ever used them . Besides that sweden does in fact have an 11.7 light with the CV90120, not to mention genius sweden received the CV90 MKIV which actualy is a spike carrier as well, so i am not sure what actualy is your point
overperforming as a result of lacking anti era performance
guess you never heared of sabots rounds being designed to actualy defeat ERA. This was already acknowledged by gajin themself with DM53, M829A2 and so on being tested in Dev servers with a modifier which ignores ERA performance, but they decided to not implement it to handhold russia in the end
Give it a quick look yourself, it does exist. Anti ERA being limited to infantry in the mean time you already ignore multiple anti era equiupment in the game lol. TOW-2A, Spikes, etc etc all have anti era capability with 2 explosive charges.
The max range of most spaas which arent the pantsir is 12km , so yeah, you can easily fire outside of the range of anything able to touch you and retreat
besides most people not having a warning for approaching A2G armament even then there is the relocking feature, , missles will relock you and start guiding towards you again if you come out of cover and that can kill you.
spaa dont always have cover available either, or need to watch their teammates die when they go protect themself
didnt fight that did i?, still stands is a very good CAS and more often then not pantsirs slap out enemy CAP before they can take out SU-34s
2a7V & HU is the same tank, still if you realy wanna uplift poor italy that much lets count it seperately
still TKX and Leclercs are not better armored then bvm,
leclerc has slightly worse rounds and only the tkx having better rounds
bvm comes with complete gen 3 thermals as well while leclerc only gets gen 2
the bvm is a better brawler compared to those 2 and the inherint maps of war thunder go better to the play style of the bvm with many city maps etc
so bvm/abrams would share themself 4th place.
imagine the one that playing one of the best nations in the game but still playing victim that have to bring Italy France and Japan to argument jeez.
it like playing US ARB and complain about Eurofighter Rafael and Gripen same level of shame.
believe me when i say 140mm leopards will rip anything in the game apart
Their penetration was close to 1000mm
The swiss 140mm project would come with uparmored leopard as well.
And you see the object 292 still taken to top tier as well, just cause they can still perform realy well there
he is talking about 140mm variants of leopards / abrams and co not black eagle
Besides that was the 152mm ever officialy installed on the black eagle and there is proof for it?
Cause if it only was considered at one point it will never happen in war thunder
But generaly the ones you named would count towards the more modern upgunned vehicles that will now be slowly considered with the next generation of mbts
specialy the chally 130mm, the terminator might still count as a step in between
Edit: quick check terminator would still perform worse then the older leopard 140mm lol so yeah
Well yeah, they would still rip trough anything.
There is multiple 2a4 platforms at top tier 2a4m, 2pl. And more coming and the 140mm stilleasily performs better as them.
292 has 695mm thats it honestly, quite a big difference. The near 1000m for leo is trough soirces and confirmed trough the calculator gajin uses