Discrepancy in stock grind and weapons on R-73-armed planes and AIM-9M-armed ones, why?

11.0 is the Random Battles system.
Custom battles, 1v1s, roleplay, etc don’t use the BR system.
No authentic [manual/photograph dictated] missile should be removed from any jet, ever.
If anything, that missile just becomes modless, meaning it doesn’t require a mod to use.

In-fact, next feedback session after the September update, I’m going to put “Make some vehicles’ missiles modless: Example: Mig-21Bis R-3S, all 4 pylons of R-3S just unlocked without getting a modification.”

I’ll word it better than that, and include more examples, but that’s part of the plan.

Might want to tell that to F-5A and F-5C which lost AIM-9B somewhere down the road
But in turn they got AIM-9E stock so I see that as a win

But that still doesn’t mean people will use 10G missile (even if they can take four of them) on their jet.
I’d rather take two missiles which have higher chance of destroying the target than four missiles which can be fooled by just pulling harder

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So we should remove HE rounds from all tanks less than 125mm in gun diameter because no one uses those rounds?
Or HESH rounds from 84mm and 90mm guns? Which currently require a mod…
It doesn’t matter if nearly the entire playerbase doesn’t use a weapon.
How often are you using HEATFS? Despite it being the best one-shot ammo for IFVs…
Cause while APFSDS is inferior to HEATFS for shooting at a 2S38 or Bradley, it’s still better than loading two separate ammo types for 99% of players.
It’s also the reason I only load M304 into my Pershings.
Is M82 useless? No, I just never use it, or the HE round.

9Bs should be the HE of rank 7 and 8 jets that still have them, and probably rank 6: Just available on all pylons from the start with no mod.

9Bs are an example type.
9Es and Js could be argued for rank 8 jets.

The equivalent would be for Leopard 2A7V to include DM13 and DM23 on its munition selections when it already has DM33 as stock and DM53 as top shell… which wouldn’t make any sense in any way.

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No Russian bias in this game 🤷.

Like when I found out their tanks also get the good stuff right off the bat. This game doesn’t even try to hide it anymore.


It’s not a double standard its as simple as not having a missile between the R-60M and R-73 to give Russian planes as the stock missile (frankly the R13M1 is better than R60Ms once people have flares), if there was something I’m pretty sure Gaijin would add it and make Russian players grind the R-73, or do you think Gaijin would pass up the chance, on ANY nation, to add a mod that people might pay GE for?

What? Soviet tanks don’t get “the good stuff” from the start, they never have.
Your love of Russia is a bit obvious when you make stuff up about them to make them look good.

T-80BVM T-90M Pantsir SU25SM3 and 2S38
Ring any bell? and don’t you have anything bettter to do than excuse people who don’t agree with you as Russian main? really? that’s the best you’ve got?

i do have Russian top tier, but personally i find Russia to be a little clunky and will still take an Abrams with its flaws sure but ill take a 5 second reload of a 6.5 second reload or a 7.1 second reload. Russia puts up a fight like crazy because of the modern equipment sure, but still the difference in how modern Russian equipment in this game is to what NATO countries fight with still doesn’t make up for the people who can play at a bracket and still come out on top with equipment pre-2000s equipment against Russias most modern weapons even today…

let me ask you this, if gaijin was going to try to balance the vehicles by years here, just how bad do you think the T-72 (1989) would fair to the tanks NATO produced in the 80s? or if they were to add vehicles that NATO was building then? like the SEP V1/V2? or the 2A5? if russia didnt have the BVM, the B3, Su-25SM3, 2S38, and all you had to fight with was a T-80B or a T-80U against ALL the equipment that NATO nations currently have, because of the actual tech advancements NATO had, would you still play russia knowing just how bad off the russians would be if they went year by year instead of having to compensate with the HEAVILY noticable gap in capacity?

And fix by that give the most advanced tech to Russia while give other decades older? What is it Russia fighting third world country? Take SU-25SM3 for example get like what Kh-38 2012 missile while Britain can’t even have 2006 missile like Brimstone? not even newer version of Maverick because of what too advanced for the game? if you ask me that double standard toward other

do you want a missile that can be fired from double the distance, ripple fired, and can target individual signatures post launch has the same blast-frag warhead that will over pressure and kill not only tanks but helicopters too and the minimum carried is enough to wipe out the ENTIRE team as soon as a british light tank captures the point with no actual capacity to spawn an AA, not even the pantsir would see the missile coming because the brimstone comes down at a higher angle then what the pantsirs search radar can see? and even though the KH-38 missiles are from 2012 they rely on standard top down attack measures used by the first and second generation hellfires… as far as i see it getting spammed with 4 KH-38s per plane in a hot zone config is better than getting smacked by a missile double the range and could take out half the team before makeing a singe pass in the A.O.

so what? SU-25SM3 can out range every nation SPAA and also got Pantsir cover their ass from planes but Brits and other don’t allow to do the same to Russia?
do Russia need to always have better and newer stuff than other just to keep up with other? so because Russia can’t keep up with other so they need better missile while other need to use Maverick with underperforming firecrackers damage? What kind of logic is that? other need to be inferior just to keep Russia playable?


and tell me, do you want the US to have access to the drop and forget IRJDAM that they developed with japan to come to the game where even if the jet was taken out by the pantsir that saw it, it wouldn’t matter? because that also late 90s early 2000s. or should the hellfire LongBow be added where only the apaches radar has to be above cover for a hellfire that guides itself no matter what? smake wouldn’t save you no matter how OP russia or ant other NATO country was, 16 LongBow hellfires on a apache LongBow helicopter that would be able to act like a SPIKE ER or PARS 3 equipped heli because the LongBow could wipe ANY team too, and your saying you want that in too? or should they add even more potent modern NATO equipment like the HARMS? or maybe add in more vehicles with the javelin ATGM or equivilant munitions that could be fired from a conceiled position and you wouldn’t know where in sin it came from because its sight could be seen only like the raketenjagpanzers with the key controlled missiles? i could go on and on about how IF they added these missiles even with public knowledge pretty much showing off how they worked without classified documentation it would snap the sense of balance as most maps would not matter. russia having modern equipment and nato not is not because of double standards or bias, its a small price to pay for the fact that the more advanced tech that could come would cause russia, and china, and any one that isnt britain, sweden US or germany to fold over as easy as a sturmtiger direct hitting a L3/33 with a 380mm rocket

Stock APFSDS is on all rank 8 tanks.
Pantsir’s useless against my NATO CAS.
2S38 is literally just the Strf 9040C but less survivable [see dev server].

Weird of you to accuse everyone that doesn’t agree with me of being a Russian main.
Just cause you and others defend Russia doesn’t make them Russia mains.

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That already happen in the game so why not?

Well US UK JP and Israel total 4 nation can have them so why not? it not like US will get that thing alone

Again why not? most of NATO can use that not only US

And? How many times i need to tell you that your BS logic won’t work against me? do i need to slap your face with top tier hours again just in case you think yourself know better than me about how high tier work?
Oh you can kill pantsir you know what i can do that too
None of your high tier can reach 500 battle so don’t act like you know batter than me because the thing you know i do too


i could also bring up the more potent prototypes like the leclerce T40 with a 40mm beltfed cannon with 250 rounds of APFSDS per belt and fire and forget missiles that can be locked onto with a telescoping commanders camera sitting above it and fire behind cover, or the many other systems that can do that too like japans MMPM, or maybe give america a SHORAD version of AIM-120 AMRAAMs that dont need a seperate radar unit to see and fire on a target from the same practical distance as the pantsir do i? or maybe the newer strykers with TOW missile launchers on a stick like the Sturm-S and the kherzantema?
or maybe add the humvees with tows and javilins and even the MRAPS with the same equipment mounted on a CROWS system? or give the SEP V2 the option to pick out what weapons the CROWS it has? like maybe a 25mm bushmaster? or maybe a 40mm grenade launcher with a HE-DP? or add the M113 systems they tested and fielded for america and israil? oh! i know! maybe add the other kits for the leo 2 series like its urban survival kits that add 600 to 800mm of NERA to the sides for the 2A5 and 2A6 and 2A7? so that russia has to rely on the same CAS that it has now because the rounds cant scratch the armor? or give all the current top tier tanks including the hungarian 2A7 ironfist or trophy that actually got either tested with it or is in service with it equipped? AND give them true 360 coverage like they had IRL? and allow the tanks to completely overpower russia and snap its back? regardless of how many you kill?
and bring in more aircraft like the F-15E, F/A-18A/C, with the same MAW systems that would make them all the more cancerous to fight? or maybe bring in the EC-2000 in its tranche 3 upgrade where it got the capacity to drop more PGM 2000s than two tornados theoretically?

Then you know the Pantsir’s useless against CAS.
I’ve never acted better than anyone in my life and never will.
You however are, based on some arbitrary nonsense.
“This dude with 10,000 game hours is inferior to me.” is exactly acting better than others.

i still cant get over the fact that the pantsir still has nearest neighbor type targeting last i checked