[Development] Testing out the Severe Damage mechanic

The issue I and others have with your “secure the kill” policy isn’t just that you have to put extra effort. That framing makes the issue sound like lazyness when it isn’t.

It’s about ammunition! Shells and missiles… They are a valuable resource that you don’t want to spend more of than absolutely neccesary.

You or a teammate pumping extra missiles into a target that was gonna die anyway is wasteful, for you and the team as a whole. Now you have less resources to work with, and it might cost you the game.

Edit: in props another “resource” may also be position, for example when you’re at high altitude or a similar high energy situation. Is it wise to dive down (giving up your position) to “secure” your kill from your own parasitic teammates?


I never really understood why if my plane was still flyable that I was counted as a kill and forced to bail out. If I could theoretically make it to the airfield and I want to try then that should be an option.

I’m hoping that these changes will lead to bombers not being complete paper going forward. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been instantly obliterated by AAA 2-3KM out with my pilot, tail, wings, etc. all gone with no tracers loaded on my screen. Fighters also can maul a bomber in <5s.

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Dunno, i can attest articfoxxos scenario happens to me regularly, ie. I get kill steal on plane that is pretty much dead and heading towards ground but some zomber wakes up and sends IR missile his way, stealing the kill.

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Again we can go back and forth with made up scenarios to try to prove this point or that, but the game already has mechanics… assists, critical hits, kills… maybe the game just has to either clarify or refine what the definition of a kill is… not add more complicated mechanics only for people who “think” they deserved a kill just because they could not finish the job. an almost kill is not a kill.

Also, don’t tell me to play more ARB etc, lets not make this personal.

first i would like to quote my first concern regarding this mechanic from this comment i saw just now

Second this video was a match i played just now (Youtube still loading the better image quality versions depending when you see this) where i think i managed to test 2 of the biggest ways kills get stolen

  1. taking the wing off someone
  2. puttting a fire into the enemy aircraft

I’ll leave for anyone watching the video to take their own conclusions but based on the fact that in both cases i didnt get the severe damage mensage and in the wing clipping case i flat out lost the kill because someone stole it, as it stands this mechanic is dead on arrival.

I hope changes can be implemented to consider more things as severely damaging an aircraft and also make it so both players get 100% of the kill. There is absolute no reason to nerf our XP gains because of a mechanic that is intended to make the game less toxic.

Edit: small correction, it did give me severely damaged for the mig-23 (based on the battle chat) that i set afire but the mesage did not show up on my screen so that might just be a bug. My point still stands tho because other planes got set afire and still did not get severely damaged even tho the fire was bad enough to eventually kill them.

Except previously person who did 90% of the lifting got assist and person who just happened to be in the right place at the right time got the kill.

Now the person who does most of the job gets better reward.

And if that person finished off his target, he gets unnerfed 100% reward.

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a means to introduce more spaghetti math to hide reward payouts decreases

This is what I’m suspecting, the whole economy behind the game is so convoluted and confusing with even the most basic concepts still not being understood after a decade, nobody still knows how activity is measured exactly or how anything is really measured or how systems work.

We saw the exact same thing with the scouting last week, people thinking it’s a good thing because they did not understand how it worked in the first place, and Gaijin abuses that to mislead players into thinking it’s a great thing for them.

What exactly did the numbers look like before, does severe damage replace assists, how much were assists even? The person who would have gotten a kill only gets 40% now as well.

And all of this hinges on a system properly working, which would be unlikely.


There are cases where the solution would be for the game to clarify or re-define what a kill is. Plane with no wings, no controls on its way down, with dead pilot… that is a kill (if it is not then it should be)
Like I’ve said this is probably solved with minor corrections to the game rather than adding over-complicated mechanics. This is just my opinion…

I have tryed several planes. The only thing bothers me is when I play as fighters and severly damaged the enemys,It always show “shared damage” with big red letters, which always remind me the “enemy killed” message, and I flue away. SO PLEASE DO NOT SHOW THIS DAMAGE MESSAGE WITH BIG RED LETTERS!!!

still the low-res version but will check later on.

This is stupid and will cause the exact opposite effect. I will not pick a fight at the end of the game, knowing that, even if I win with some damage, I’ll get a death and I’ll have to pay for the plane without any chance to repair it on the airport.


its not really clear if one has to pay full repair if the own plane is counted as killed after the match


You see, it is an issue with how the game defines a kill, if a plane has no chance of surviving, then it should instantly be a kill and it flying or falling down in flames it is just an animation…

but, interesting that you should mention the managing of ammo, someone that did 90% of the damage but ran out of ammo, the enemy plane is still flyable and escaping, and some team mate comes in and finishes it with one shot then who gets the kill?
Should the person that spent a gazillion bullets get something? definitely, but because of managing his resources could not or would not make the kill, then other team mate should get the kill.

Not bad changes.

However, the current kill message can be confusing and should include text at the bottom of the screen, like the old hit and critical hit messages, indicating which damage or kill was done to the enemy.


if that comes for ground time to play SPAA to get these severe damage kills on heavy tanks (Falcon on Maus is what comes to my mind)

Correction:not“shared damage”,it’s “sever damage”

now just how old is that screenshot?

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if you do its silly, if you only pay like 50% of the repair cost thats fair, but would rather none


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that screenshot is as far as ive been playing this game away from the genesis of warthunder

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