Pls, pls add SAPSAN-E or T220 to the Mig 29 SMT and SU27 SM.
People speculate the update time from previous updates. Given the amount of changes and additions it can always change from the dates. So don’t base this update from previous ones.
But didnt we get some of those update times from the devs themselves ?
Devs, far as i’m aware have not stated an update date/time.
I would like to know if Gaijin plans on restoring Premium Aircraft that people bought back to the original Battle Rating they were purchased at, or will they still be downgrading the performance of planes that people spent around $70-80 for after a careful evaluation. When you buy a “product”, the manufacturer doesn’t generally come around and downgrade it. When someone purchases $50 dollars worth of Golden Eagles to pay for modifications, in a non-prem plane, because they like it, then two weeks later it is a different plane because its BR has been changed and placed with planes that were previously rated as better planes say for instance. Are they going to be doing anything about this? Or do they really care about their paying customers?
Battle ratings are subject to change, and Gaijin offers no compensation if they do.
Also, what planes are you talking about?
Without thinking about very deeply, right off the top of my head, China A5C, USA Persian Tomcat, Sweden Draken which became one of the worst prems of them all after its change, Israeli Kfir, USSR Mig23ML had its flight characteristics diminished, Chinas Squadron J17 which was an aircraft purchased for GE raised in BR, USA F5C, which sat for some time at a different BR than it was purchased at…this is just right off the top of my head. But the subject of my topic for the community to answer is, is this a fair and ethical business practice? That is what I am asking the community about. And I do believe most of the people who make these decisions about BR are not very adamant players, but part of the marketing team in spirit.
This is just right off the top of my head, without going through and looking at each of them.
Also since I also mentioned non-prem plane that people spend GE on to fully modify, one comes to mind, the USSR Mig29, which used to have one of the top radars in game, has problems locking on a plane 4km away with a r27er now. These are the dynamics I am commenting on, that have financial implications. People spend money in various ways on planes, prems, modifications,…etc. Only to have to plane totally change in the span of a month. Does it seem right to you to downgrade a plane through programming, rather than simply leaving it the way it is…if nothing else?
The Draken was moved down in BR, the A5C was moved to 10.7 where it arguably should be (2 magics on a decent platform+flares seems like a bit much at 10.3), and the Tomcat wasn’t a premium, and it wasn’t nerfed.
It was undertiered at 10.7, moved to 11.0 when Gaijin did decompression, and is still 10.7 where it is maybe undertiered.
It is fair because it allows for Gaijin to balance things better. Locking a premium to a single BR makes everything worse because they could end up in a very undertiered or very overtiered state.
And please, I do not mean this in a bad way, it is just a question, are you a Gaijin employee?
Just out of curiosity, these changes have been more than one time changes, do you actually fly any of these planes in Air BR, that is what I am wondering? Do you ever watch DEFYN on Youtube? Who is a supreme pilot, he says the same things I am saying. What I am wondering is if you actually fly these planes yourself? And I am not trying to to be rude. Because I am saying what 70% of the players who comment in battle chat say, the people who actually fly them, not as an employee, but as a CUSTOMER is what it really boils down too.
Nope, but they are the most common enemies I face. Premiums are subject to the same BR changes and standards as any other aircraft. All vehicles are subject to change due to new historical buffs/nerfs too, if you spent money on one, you’re out of luck.
Im out of luck…, now that is this generation’s total customer service perspective, and we wonder why our society is the way it is. Out of Luck, is a term that Gaijin will eventually come to know.
In War Thunder, the developers do not always strive to balance historical accuracy with gameplay mechanics. Some aircraft lack their full historical armament, as this could affect the game’s balance. For example, German planes capable of carrying 2500-kg bombs (like the SB 2500) often do not have access to them in the game. It seems deliberate, as if these aircraft were equipped with their historical weapons, they could challenge the dominant positions of Soviet aviation in the air.
Additionally, discussions on the Russian forum and Discord frequently address the development of the Russian tech tree. Some players feel offended that their vehicles’ armaments were “nerfed” for balance reasons. Meanwhile, players from the civilized world argue that vehicles with “meta” weaponry should not have advantages, especially if it disrupts balance between nations. At the same time, there seems to be a tendency to prioritize Soviet or Russian vehicles when it comes to armament.
It’s important to note that the USSR was a “union” of countries, not just Russia, even though their vehicles are often equated with each other.
So actually I was wrong about this, seems that it doesn’t actually work as intended on update release. Why do the devs keep adding things when they are broken?
Sound of planes is so much better, also sound your pilod do when you lose control due high Gs is just perfect. Nice job
As the airfield layout has now been updated/changed and this was missed from this thread. Please can you confirm the new layout for modules for Modular Airfields
Is this correct or have I got modules the wrong way round?
The new Test Flight is great but lacking in some areas. Would be great to have some different aircraft other than MiG-15’s flying around and more variety in SPAA’s like having some IR guided missiles.