[Development] Battle Pass Vehicles: M551(76)

To be fair, Event Vehicles are no longer premiums for the most part.
But yea I would also like to get a False M10 Panther or a Loraine 155 without having to rely on spending trillions of SL on Lootboxes.

The System is just weird and somewhat bad rn tbh.
Gaijin likes to brag about having so many vehicles in the game, while at least one quarter to one third of them are not available to new players without spending a lot of money


Nice tank. I hope will be at 6.7 or less b.r. otherwise will be hard to have fun with.

Full stabilized sabot-slinging 76mm on a relatively speedy chassis?

For the US, sounds like 7.X material, though if it was russian/swedish it’d definitely be lower.

I would also rather bet on it being 7.0+
7.0 would be nice for a 7.0 lineup with the T29 and T92. In my eyes it is kind of a sidegrade to the t 92. Longer reload, way large body, but in return you get a stabiliser.

6.7 would be wild ngl.
But the Centurion with the 17 pdr and the stab is also at this br…
We will see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Granted it has far less mobility, and the 76 mm M32’s APDS is just outright better than 17 pounder APDS.

Already passed on previous forum:


Test drive confirms it will be 6.7.
Sounds OP, I’m in.

Decent br, might be the first battle-pass I pick up.
Wonder if we’ll see the 105mm variant in the near future…

definetly not going to be 6.7 7.0 at minimum. id love it to be at 7.0

Too lazy to click the link I served you on a silver platter or what is it? Chronical urge to argue for the sake of arguing? jfc

I’m guessing he meant to say “I don’t think it’s gonna stay at 6.7, it will probably end up at 7.0”

Oh that´s for sure. APDS hits harder than the HEATFS lately and eliminating the biggest drawback of this gun - the slow vertical traverse and subsequent bouncing for 2 weeks after stopping - I was honestly expecting 7.7-8.0.

I’ve tried to find similar vehicles from other TTs in order to compare their BRs. It’s not easy.

The closest contender seems to be the Object 906.

Like the M551(76), the Object 906 is a very light tank of ~15 tons, has two-plane stabilizer, 300mm pen (in form of HEAT-FS), ~20 HP per ton, and have similar forward top speed.

However, the Object 906 has an autoloader and a faster reload of 4.3s compared to ~7s for M551(76). The Object 906 is as fast in reverse as forward, and can swim. The Object 906 has one less crew though, only 3 compared to the M551(76)'s 4.

Both have very little armor, but the M551 seems slightly tougher from the front as it has some irregular angles and overlapping plates. The Object 906 has a much lower profile though. The M551 has a pintle .50 cal, which is a huge plus IMO.

While I wouldn’t say the M551 is better or even as good as the Object 906 (due to reload rate and reverse speed) they still seem close enough to call the M551’s 6.7 BR into question…

I’d say it should be 7.3 at least, 7.7 at most. Of course this BR increase warrants changing rank from IV to V. It should also get access to M496 HEAT, if the player wants to use it (I see it as a sidegrade)

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If it had a 105 i could see 8.0 but i doesn’t so i don’t see it being that high

The M551 has a 7.65 second reload with a fully stock crew, and 5.88 seconds with fully maxed out crew.

In test drive it behaves exactly like M41, it even has the same engine sound. It almost feels like they copy pasted the M41 and made a Sheridan skin for it.


Chill out 6.7 is too low in my opinion, i thought it sas still not in game a the time

Why it cant swin? Look like an amphibious tank…

The M551 could swim, but only with flotation screens installed.

flotation screen

Other vehicles known to have used flotation screens are Sherman DD, Strv-103, and early versions of M3 Bradley.

This function is not yet implemented in War Thunder.