Dev serwers are down?

Nah, it is a IFV Scout Drone thing, that’s the one thing I wanna check on. Since it is using the map as a monitor I should be able to rescale it but I don’t get to check on this because server is having a stronk

oh yeah it is kinda useless because it locks on to the most random things (scout drone) and doesn’t look away/ is just looking at the sky (idk if it is scalable prob is)

it didn’t work 😭😭😭😭

I have not had that as an issue but, I will see

I tried Web Login, doesn’t work lol

u can use a guest acc for that tho because u can just use a premium that has a scout drone…

I mean sure, I can use a Guest Profile… It’s not like it matters anyways :)

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doesnt work either

It works for me

be patient. They’re working on it.

Issue should be solved now.
Connecting to server can be a bit slower than normal, but you should be able to log-in now.
Sorry for the inconvenience!


Works now, cheers!

You see this, this is epic

I I initially thought I encountered a problem similar to the one in this post. However, so far, I still can’t log into dev server normally with my own account, game will shut down and there are no error messages. I have already submitted an issue on the issue tracking website, but it seems that no one has handled it yet.

Please check files integrity via launcher.
You can also update your GPU drivers to latest available for your GPU/OS.

I am pretty sure i am using the newest GPU driver, because i just updated it last night, and i just checked files integrity, it didn’t work. I also found i can login in with a visitor account normally, so i guess is some kind of bug.

omg a rare mac user, this is like a shiny pokemon


do i create that folder in the normal warthunder launcher or the dev launcher?

legendary find