Dev serwers are down?

Hi i get error 81110013 : “Account Authorization Failed” does somebody have the same problem?

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Try re-opening your launcher and verifying that you are connected to 2.44 dev

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just keep trying and it will eventually work

I have the same problem

I’m on version

Same and its not working for me either. You using steam login?

No i have gaijin accont

Interesting yeah I tried to login with steam and gaijin to no luck.

the dev server has never been down this much


And with no info about it

what did the guys that connected did?

Making me sad as I have been pushing for the Harrier buff for months and now I cannot even test them.

Mine is saying server maintenance now.

Now dev lancher when tried to login gives me info:

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Yes they are working on it this is good.


still not working



I don’t see any CM’s or Moderators in this Forum feed, which makes me wonder if they even care to fix the issue at hand. I can’t seem to get back on what so ever due to “Failed to load player profile” and it’s starting to annoy me a little. I wanna test stuff, that is essentially why I am on the dev server

We are aware of the login issue on Dev Server.
Devs are working to solve the problem.
Thanks for patience :)


can u answer my question from other thread before i download another 57gbs for no reason : D