Dev Server Opening with Major Update “Alpha Strike”! — 01.03.2024

The Dev Server will be opening today featuring the new War Thunder “Alpha Strike” Major Update!

You can download the Dev Client here

  • When: From 16:15 GMT, March 1st

  • To: 07:00 GMT, March 7th

For technical reasons, the dev server may close immediately at any time before the indicated time!

The Dev Server may close any time so please make the most out of the opening window!

Known Bugs

  • New vehicles in this update may have inaccuracies in characteristics, armor and weaponry settings.

  • The armor model for new ground vehicles in this update is “work in progress” for adjustment and improvement.

  • Some new aircraft lack cockpits.

  • Some ground vehicles lack a visible crew.

  • On some aircraft, torn off wings are displayed incorrectly.

  • The icons for some vehicles might be missing.

  • There may be a lack of localization for some vehicles.

  • No sound played on some events.

  • Some aircraft may have inaccuracies in the Damage Model, missing fuel, oil and water leaks, armor materials.

  • Dev Server is available only on PC Windows

Air Battles

Special Event for playtest of air-to-air missiles with ARH Seekers (FOX-3) will be availbale.

For Air Battles only new Air Realistic Battle mission called “Golan Heights (aerial spawn)” on the Golan Heights map will be available. Players spawn in the air, but along the front line rather than in a single point.

Ground Battles

North Holland — a new location for Ground Battles will be available for test.

Earned & Spent items

Nothing counts on the dev server. Anything you do is not transferred to the live main server, such as Research Points and Silver Lions earned, achievements unlocked and vehicles unlocked. This also applies to any Golden Eagles, Silver Lions and Research Points that you spend on the dev server — nothing will be subtracted from your live server account.

Leaving Feedback & Bug Reports

All feedback and bug reports help us to fix any issues or change any features before the major update is released on the live server.

Found an issue? See how to create a bug report for the Dev Server.