How can i delete steering tilt axis by mouse and just by A and D like it used to be?
What are you trying to do? Planes? What is your current control input?
Sounds like you accidentally swapped to simplified/realistic/full-real control schemes where your mouse aim is disabled and you get mouse joystick instead.
Simply go to controls and select “Mouse aim.” Your plane’s nose will try to point where your mouse points to, rolling at significant movement but mostly yawing.
Yeah planes
No i swapped to advanced mouse + keyboard steering but now i have mouse control on tilt axis which wasnt there. I had the same settings since i started playing so like 2016. Now i just try to delete mouse control of tilt axis.
Please take a serious of screenshots of your air control settings (make sure it’s in English) and share it because unfortunately, there appears to be a not-insignificant language barrier present.
And what control mode are you in?
Mouse Aim, Simplified, Realistic or Full-real controls?
What mode are you flying? Arcade, Realistic or Sim?
If you are using simplified, realistic and full-real controls, please also screenshot this section:
If you’re using mouse joystick, maybe try setting aileron to 0% and rudder to 100%.
Im in mouse aim.
I currently play realistic games.
Can you describe in simple, bullet-point breakdown what happened before this change occured. Then in the same process, describe what happens now?
- I open “Test flight” and set start as 3km above airfield.
- I move my mouse to the left a small amount.
- My plane’s nose moves to the left without rolling.
- I move my mouse to the right until it reaches edge of screen
- my plane rolls to the right.
In mouse aim mode, “mouse tilt axis” shouldn’t impact flight behaviour only how much you move your cursor to the edge.
Have you flown that plane before? I went and tested and “tilt axis” makes no difference for plane handling.
Here is me showcasing flying with and without it and also how to add/remove it.
Your “Tilt” control appeared because you changed controls mode to “Mouse joystick” or “Relative control.”
This is why I asked for a screenshot series of all your controls rather than just that one part as you can see from the video - there’s parts that aren’t visible.
Ive found the solution to my problem from your video.
Sorry for trouble and huge thanks for solving my problem.