Decompressing Battle Ratings for Top Aircraft and Accompanying Changes to Stock Weapons

This is a good opportunity for me to beg that you please, please continue to decompress in both air and ground, one BR step at a time, in the regularly compiled BR changes. Doing this two steps at once (from 13.0 to 13.7) is unsurprisingly messy, but entirely necessary only because compression has been so severe for so long. These two steps are amazing, but we need more in the coming years for future content to fit without causing more balance nightmares like this one.


This goes down to 10.0, and is post-ground BR changes.

I don’t know why Akali’s posts are mocking people here.
I don’t get why he has animosity toward the WT community; We pressured for years for decompression and it’s occurring.
This is a big W, and people shouldn’t be mocked for wanting decompression and us getting it IN STRIDES.

SAAB J35XS Being the same BR as the J7E and J8B is very strange, J8B has access to radar missiles and the J7E is an insane dogfighter. Like it’s in a weird spot but 11.0 would be fine no? Like the J37C is going to be 11.3 with the same missiles + the Dogfight missiles

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The F-4C without any flares/chaff seems a bit high for 10.7 BR and with access to early missiles, same for many F-104s which are going 11.3, I think they deserve to sit around 10.7 or maybe go at 11.0, but no higher (since they’re till getting . Same for Buccaneer S.2B (and perhaps others as well). Otherwise nice changes overall and I hope we will also see some decompression around 9.0 - 9.7 as well. It’s harsh facing supersonic jets in 8.7 BR aircraft, especially since some of them don’t even receive Aim-9Bs or similar (i.e Sabre vs F-104 or Lightning). The same for 7.3-7.7 area with the new BR changes for some 8.3-8.7 jets (like F-84G or MD450 vs Mig-17 or late F-86F series).

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i wanna point out that F4J can see Gripen A with the changes


MiG-23MLD and KfirC2 are the same BR? Are you kidding me? And KfirCanard and J35XS should be 11.0.


9,0 -10,7 is deompressed and above that compressed

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players with no premiums play this game a lot just to reach get their time ruined by all those panzer btl 123, kvt , 96ap,turms spammers . They have access to modifications like apfsds from the get go just because the way premiums work in this game this is one of many instances where warthunder goes from free to play to pay to win on the other hand tech tree vehicles have to grind through over 50k research points to unlock apfsds to make their tanks border line playable because mobility upgrades is still locked , will this ever be fixed ( copied from the topic is created )

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yeah, most of this changes make no sense, even after looking at them (a10 being lower br than the f4c is one of them)


Only the Barack II and Barack (I) could carry them (as well as the sufa). The Netz never had the ability to carry them and was limited to the Python 3s, Aim-9Js, and Aim-9Ls. But Yeah 12.7 is absolutely the best place for it right now.

also i realized that all f5Es and chinese f5A are going to be the same br as the squadron f5E, you know the one with pythons and all aspect aim9ps while the other ones only get 2 rear aspect aim9p


Yeah I edited it out

Willing to bet that’s a mistake. (Although this is gaijin… sooo…)

Because all aspect missiles vs planes with no flares. It already faces planes with no flares at its BR. You want it to club HARDER?

That’s not how math works.
10.0 - 13.0 is becoming 10.3 - 13.7, that is decompression.
And this allows for them to work on other BR changes after gathering the new data.
Which we can assess that Mig-19s move back to 9.7, and 8.7s back to 9.0 later this year.

Opposing good changes just cause it doesn’t do everything is bad, both in parenting and progress.

Probably didn’t remember to check armament.

yeah, a lot of this changes make no sense, they had to be ai generated

Some changes are just plain dumb like f4,f5 and some migs

Why is the Mirage 2000D moving up so much in Air RB? It is practically hopeless in Air RB as it is.


F-4F Early is in same boat as F-4C. No flares. Marginally better heaters but no radar missiles at all. They should be same BR.

it should’ve probably stayed at 12.0 to be honest. Yes it’s a mirage 2k and it has magic2, but 2 magic 2s only gives you limited chance.

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