Decompressing Battle Ratings for Top Aircraft and Accompanying Changes to Stock Weapons

Finaly some good and needed changes. I hope the same will come soon for tanks and helis.

I was just talking about this with some other pilots. Makes about as much sense as a 12.0 F-104.

Most likely because Su-39 is a premium aircraft and for only that reason it shouldnt be able to have most advanced missiles in the game at the moment, when we get better ones on TT vehicles maybe they will add them to su-39. i think its totally reasonable for it and other planes not having newest missiles.

F-14A Early at USA tech tree from 1976 ~ 1977 before AIM-9L service

In my opinion, now F-4EJ KAI lack AAM-3 & AIM-7M but replace AIM-9P & AIM-7F

Replace F-16A MLU aim-9p for its 9p4 and correct it’s countermeaures.

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You know that the sparrows are not the wonder weapons that you think they are right? You can kinematically dodge a sparrow if you are above mach 1 (I’ve even dodged some in my F-4S thanks to its slats). You can’t do that with the phoenixes since they have larger fuse radius. If you were not aware of this, Seek or Joob has a radar missile evasion guide in you tube where this is taught.


I think you are ignoring the difference between AIM-54 and airframe performance. In a third generation fighter with Sparrow versus a fourth generation fighter with AIM-54, the F-14A is absolutely not considered inferior to the F-4EJ Kai, even taking into account the difference in radar performance between the two. No matter how favourably you estimate it, it will be at or above the same rating.

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We have later version, due of auto slats

Why Chinese f-5e and f-5a have same br as Japanese f-5e FCU
did you really think 2 aim9p are same as 2 aim9p4 plus 2 python 3
2 rear-aspect missile equals 4 all-aspect missile
Change my mind


I really find it ridiculous that gaijin’s understanding of certain airplanes is becoming increasingly detached from reality

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Oh god, what is this…
First you nerf F4s and Mig 23ml on that improved" automatic radar…
Then you nerf 23ml more by flight characteristic.
And now you raise both planes BR ???
How hard have you hitted your heads.

Could you do something nice , and give jets , starting from rank 7 flares and Chaffs allready unlocked.


Perhaps you are using it wrong. As a medium-range missile, the 7f is certainly excellent, but the AIM-54 with the proper energy is the strongest spear that can be fired without being noticed until you get close. Also, the Fox-3 missile, which can perform fire and forget, is inherently superior to the FOX1, even if it is slightly inferior in performance.

I must be dreaming

Someone who make, apply, even think about this change should die(In German, die means “the”) asap

Not everything is moving up so they’ve done exactly what you’ve described here. Also if some things move up more than others that is still decompression even if everything moved up.

Kind of a null point you have here.

su 22m3 gets 4 missles tornado 2, it is balanced with the tornado having better speed all tornados should be 11.3 in air

tell me you are joking, or recognize your reality as a troll


I never claimed the AIM-7 was.
I stated they’re superior to the worst ARH missile in the game cause they are.
Higher overload, faster acceleration, and works in all-aspects if the host radar is all-aspect.

You should go watch Seek’s video since you didn’t learn from DCS.
I learned from DCS which is why the only time I ever died to a Phoenix missile is when I was flying straight in my Tornado IDS to see what would happen if I just let the AIM-54 do its thing. It hit the ground and fragged me, but I learned what it does when it hits.
Didn’t have a friend with an F-14 to do that for me in custom battles.

AIM-54 is the worst ARH in the game.
EJ Kai is superior to F-14A, I should know having played both and EJ Kai holds my hand far more than F-14A ever could.

I use it exactly as I did in DCS.
It’s easily defeated:

Since I have to repeat this to each of you, I’ll just post this at this part in my post:

All you need to do to defeat an AIM-54 is turn at or beyond 90 degrees, pop chaff a few times, wait a bit for the seeker to stay in the direction of the chaff, and turn back in.
The missile warns you at 16km, which is more than enough time to defeat the missile.

If you ban Sinai, then you only really need to do that tactic on Golan Heights.

Thanks for proving my post correct about F-20 being able to turn faster than EJ Kai and agreeing with me.
In-fact, here’s the evidence:
F-20: 15.3.


F-4EJ Kai: 12.7


F-20 might not be as good as F-16’s 18+ degrees per second of course.

It’s very near everything. Certainly they’ve moved up not just the best vehicles but also quite average ones too. Plenty of examples on this chart of things being more compressed than they are now, dissimilar vehicles even closer to each other in BR than they are now.

Dude no way. Pinch me. Is this real? :D