Dear Gaijin! Please stop using Google translate and AI to make crew voices, they are awful

The magical magician Suggestion moderation appeared. (:

In terms of pronunciation yes, but it isn’t better. The newer ones are more reactive while the older ones are not. I agree though that the newer ones need further refinements since there still subpar to what Gunner Heat PC managed to pull off with a significantly smaller team and likely has both less time and resources as there a indie studio.

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Already made a suggestion but itbis still pending…so sadly i need to wait.

The same way bomber cockpits were placeholders, until they said, fk it and nobody will get bomber placeholders because it’s too much work for thing only few people would care about?

I think more prople would play bomber if they wouldn’t have same problem as helicopter, which is broken damage model. IRL some bomber could take a massive beating/dsmage and still fly back, but in game they feel like made out of paper…but this topic is for anothrr discussion and not for this one.

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7 months have passed without change btw…

Really makes you think, that.


Oh, nothing. Assuming you’re in HU yourself, you could always go to their Budapest corporate HQ and offer your voice acting services. Might be fun hearing what they say.

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That would take some effort from them, so i’d say not a chance.