Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

I just did a really quick ARB gorilla pull sustain test on the Rafale and M2K, and it looks like they have basically the same STR in these conditions, if not slightly worse for the Rafale. This doesn’t feel right lol.

SPECTRA SUITE is a thing since F.1,… so i don’t see what you’re point is,… also Spectra still is a thing today on F.4.1

C01 had avionics removed, the presentations, which not only are too numerous to be testbeds, but also have them visible, are often seen carrying them

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The last time I checked Mirage 2000-5F standard was no A2G and only 6 missile pylons

Has the FM been changed at all?
I still don’t think it is final.
I know for a fact the Eurofighter FM was changed.

Context ?

And i agree with that, Gaijin had just hatism on french, and made it a mix between Mirage 2000-5F Mirage 2000-5 mk2 of greece, and 2000-9 of UAE


Bro, you’re not reading,… inform yourself about “DGA Essai en Vol” and what they use.

Airshow Rafales are most of the time from French airforces, and are Serial Rafales, not prototypes.

i have a statement, 2 stock Michels on the Ralph is not the greatest experience

And now because of that Rafale F.3R feels more like a sidegrade than an upgrade to Mirage 2000-5F which pisses me off

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i will be using HAMMER’s as A-A missiles

And it pisses me off too,… Gaijin being Gaijin, we can’t expect them to make it right anyway

Let me guess, you saw a youtube video telling you the Rafale can carry a ton of missile and have an incredible FM, witch give you a great impatience and now you are disappointed

90% of players who requested more missiles are in this case

How about the fact that it’s been commonly repeated that the artificial limitations on the Rafale are due to budgetary and stock concerns? Exterior underwing missiles have been not only presented on several airframes at once, but armee de l’air also claims F3.3 presented new hardpoints, and dassault aviation’s own twitter demonstrates useable pylons there. To say they can’t be used is basically saying that the Rafale’s own weapon management station, the screen showing pylons, has 2 mystery slots that contribute nothing but still show up anyways for no reason


No Im just pissed that Gaijin made Mirage 2000-5F better by giving it ahistorical pylons and capabilities. I’m also pissed about lack of underwing drop tanks on 2000 series


Yes it has. Lower empty weight, more fuel and some tweaks to thrust and drag/lift coefficients.

I see.
I still think there are aspects regarding sustained turn that needs a buff.

I don’t care anymore,… i’ve found your website, and they’re saying this is a Testbed aircraft:

That Dassault developped with DGA, and singlehandedly funded,…
Photos come from spotters/official Dassault communication,…

yet this doesn’t prove that SP3 were wired yet, neither do they precise any Firing tests,…

Those are Development of Concepts as told before,… DGA then worked with AdAE to know if the aircrafts should be getting those upgrades or not.

Most F.3 to F.3R in AdAE were already upgraded from earlier F.2 standards, which limits some capabilities to be added on those Rafales, might explains why those F.3 standards were not getting those SP3 pylons in reality, when theorical Testbed was made.

Now, you cope with REALITY,… Dassault don’t advertise Rafale F.3 (any of those) to have SP3,… but only F.4,… so you’ll cope 6 missiles only on Rafale F.3R that is going to be added.

Being a thug about a testbed aircraft only proves nothing.

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That’s not the only link, not even my own. One was Armee de 'air’s own presentation showing F3.3 with more weapons, 2 side by side Rafales from 2011 with additional weapons, and now you imply the Rafale’s own weapon management station is lying about what the Rafale can do? For what? And where’s the actual proof that it was never wired? The evidence sounds in favor of it being wired; Rafale’s Weapon Management Station, the additional load of the F3.3, the commonly seen pylons under the wings before the flight of the F3R and contract of the F4 Standard…

Of course there’s no direct proof of it, that’s how modern aircraft are. But the evidence sure is in favor of it

Wild to claim that the aircraft itself is lying


That I can understand