Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

It looks like the IRST will not be changed (unless someone has additional sources)



Well it is probably, in the live server I can easily defeated R-77 under 10km with hard cold going 180 degree. It should be the same for Rafale since it still the same pod

Are you on dev? Chaff was fine on other platforms, just having issues with Rafale.

Actually it’s not 64 but 72. I think Wareta is going to report it. Found a video of a rafale dropping 72 of them (and yes we counted each off them individually) Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance - #601 by DirectSupport


Looks like you’ll need to report it indeed. Can’t maintain M1.10 around 40k feet. Same at 30k feet.

Awesome work lmao

It’s going to be a suggestion not a report tho, since 32 LCM is also correct. But I’d rather have 72 normal CM

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How do they even mess up that bad

F-22 does not have anywhere near the same level of situational awareness or sensor fusion as the F-35 and Rafale is somewhere between but yes, the F-22 is closer to the former two than most anything else. It is possible the Su-57 and F-22 are on the same level when it comes to that. This is all a bit off topic for this discussion though.

[DEV] Rafale is missing airbrake function


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Anyone know if the AASM is Mach limited IRL ? Would be good if we could find infos that show we can drop supersonic

This video shows the IR variant doing just that.


This plane feels really unfinished in its current state.

Radar is completely trash, acceleration is subpar, looses too much energy in single turn and MICA’s are still gimped.

Hopefully it gets better before the patch drops.


Is there any means to bring greater air to ground payload? Not really necessarily, just curious. Not a fan of gbu24, and don’t really need all that fuel most times, so wondering if there’s any options there. I’m A) tired, and B) less familiar with the pylons of rafale.

yeah this is abysmal gameplay playing this with 2 missiles stock and grinding up to RANK 4 to get more missiles. It’s absolutely ridiculous

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Hey, what your sources for that info ? Im interested, i can’t find that anywhere

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I spaded my Rafale and it was pain in the ass, meanwhile EFT circles around with its arcade flight model while enjoying 4 stock missiles.

Honestly its dissapointing that Devs focused much more on EFT rather than focusing on two plane, hopefully it will become much better when uptade drops.


The big problem right now is that the data concerning the Rafale is far too secret, bug reports are either not accepted or do not have enough proof to be conclusive.


If this plane doesnt recieve its historical performance then im gonna bomb Gaijin HQ with AASM’s.

OR, hear me out, we might be lucky and IRST is just not final atm like the MFDs in cokpit aren’t and the radar which is extremely placeholder and is very possibly a mix of Gripen + SU34 radar or just SU 34 radar.

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