Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Yes, that is correct. Thales Scorpion was allegedly an HMD made by a US company before France had obtained the company and absorbed it.

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Oh ok. That explains why I saw 2 different manufacturers for it

One of the things ive found annoying int this EFT vs Rafale saga is that the Rafale stans seem to take any presumed accurate report on the Rafale as an attack on them, while the EFT stans seem to just shrug it off and keep working on other things.

Accurate modelling of your prefered aircraft should not be seen as a bad thing regardless of if its a buff or nerf.

The Rafale SEP report seems accurate, and thats likely the reason why the report was converted to a suggestion (ie: will be kept in the wings for balance) instead of outright denied. Its likely the Rafale is inferior to the EFT in supersonic/high alt acceleration, qnd afaik none of the Rafale stans have actually come up with any counterproof to it, theyve just tried to discredit the reported source.

This report was faulty from the start. Everyone here knows I’m quick to report a nerf. I just recently submitted a report to have all Mirage 2000s and Mirage 4000 reduced in the number of targets tracked.
Mirage 2000s and Mirage 4000 have incorrect TWS maximum targets // Gaijin.net // Issues

I’m soon going to be on my THIRD attempt to remove the 2 extra missiles on the Mirage 2000-5F since it should only carry a maximum of 6 missiles.

I don’t know whether or not the supersonic performance of the Rafale is overperforming as I don’t have the sources either way, it very possibly could be, but the report was inherently faulty from the jump.


I agree, i’m confident whatever happens, the Rafale will continue being fine anyway.

I mean if i understand well that is a given and everyone agree, from pilot to everyone that is why i want that better engine that will come with f5.
And still gaijin should at least do some kind of guess since the eurofighter just has a way better engine.

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It isn’t, in fact the report tries to suggest that the Rafale is incapable of reaching Mach 2, and is limited to Mach 1.72 or so. But we have direct evidence it is capable of achieving Mach 2 at altitude.

Here you go, Mach 2 at 10,300m.



Maybe im missing something but i dont see you trying to remove the HMD or extra missiles off the french Rafale, which to my understanding the M2K5F have the same justification as the Rafale F3R for its additional missile.

The bug report did not state it could not hit M2.0, it stated with 4 missiles and 100% fuel it could not hit M2.0 at 11000m. Thats a pretty specific data point. He does say its possible the Rafale could reach M2 0 under other conditions tho.

I personally think the bug report was misnamed, the top speed wasnt as relevant or solid a claim as was the SEP at alt imo.

Appreciated on the actual source o7

The HMD was tested, same for the M2K-5F and Gripen A which had tested them, same goes for extra missiles. French Rafale F3R also tested an Israeli towed decoy even if only in-service Indian Rafales use them. This is far different from M2K5F which was incapable of having 8 missiles, and was never tested with it. It is fantasy in that regard.


Were the additional M2K5F missiles not from greek configurations?

The 4x Magic 2 configuration were from French and Greek Mirage 2000Cs. The pylons where the Super 530D can be carried was removed and made incapable for air to air missiles with the Mirage 2000-5s. No Mirage 2000-5s had that capability, even Greek ones.


My understanding from this threads response is that the majority of this thread categorically disagrees with that statement.

Granted they could be disagreeing with the speed limit while agreeing with the SEP, but that does not seem to be the case at all. They seem to genuinly believe the Rafales SEP should be superior to all aircrafts at high speed/alt.

Its not unreasonable to believe both that the Rafale has a VNe of M2.0 and that it does not have the SEP to reach itbin level flight with full fuel and 4x missiles simultaneously, which is why I think the report discussing VNe in the title is a little misleading, as the report is mostly regarding SEP.

Thanks for clearing that up :)

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Mirage 2000-5F loses 2 Magic 2, but Mirage 2000C gets 4x Magic 2 loadout? Sign me U P.


The drone for the f5 might get derived engines of the Rafale from what the Minister of defense said in a interview in french.

There is also a part with the anechoic chamber.


[DEV] Rafale HUD Missing BREAK Indication // Gaijin.net // Issues

Another one from Isurus.


If I had to guess, would be a non-afterburning version like what LM did for the F-117

If f5 Rafale can be retrofitted, then I wouldn’t be surprised to see original m88 being repurposed to power the drones

But an eye for an eye make the whole world blind 😿

Though at the same time, seeing the EFT brought into line with something resembling reality would be nice. Though would be more keen on bringing its agility on par with the relative performance differences between EFT and Rafale in reality.

What do you imagine to be the “relative performance difference between the EFT and Rafale in reality” tho? Cuz my understanding of it is Rafale has better low speed and 1c performance, and EFT has better high speed and 2c performance, but what im getting from Rafale fans is “Rafale is the greatest aircraft in the history of the world in every way possible and the EFT should never have even been made cuz its totally worthless”…

I thought it was an EFT thread for a moment lol

I am almost certain that someone’s already done you the courtesy of explaining the ways that each platform holds advantage or disadvantage IRL as compared to the ingame representation far better than I can/care to, presumably for every conceivable metric under the sun with how you carry on. If you insist on ignoring them unless it suits your narrative there’s nothing I, nor anyone else, can do for you.