Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Idk why you were flagged, but since I see the entirety of your message from my mail notification, i can answer.
Both anti air are pretty uncommon at top tier, especially the strela. Even then, I don’t find them very hard to flare especially when you fly low to the ground, since those SAM really shine against high flying targets. I think I can personally count on one hand the amount of time I’ve been killed by 81C since they have been introduced, considering their rarity for exemple

No idea, with Brimstones you always end up in the short range hard to defeat SAM envelope.
That Pantsir you clowned on spawns a Strela and while you are defending from another Pantsir/Roland.

Japan is very popular right now with the recent sales. I have a seen a few Type 81Cs

They blind side you.

Rafale B for Egypt (?) spotted, unpainted



Well I got plenty of messages flagged for no reason so maybe that’s the reason

Yeah, it looks weird.

That one seems to be similar enough and the context is the same.




Rbe2 aesa


if its 200km+ with 838 T/R modules, imagine what other AESA radars and next gen Rafale AESA can do

rangeMax in-game is set to 300km, tho range is set to 130/100/160km for LPRF/MPRF/HPRF (not sure of the exact complexities between range and rangeMax, pretty sure range is for a target of a predefined RCS, while rangeMax is the max range it can see anything at)

Yes, a report is already forwarded asking for ranges of that type.

We can hopefully look forward to:

Range velocity: 225km
LPRF or look-up: 180km
HPRF/PD-HDN: 180km
MPRF: 112km

Conversely Captor-M which is its counterpart is currently:

Range velocity: 185km
LPRF or look-up: 150km
HPRF/PD-HDN: 150km
MPRF: 80km

So RBE2 radar should enjoy roughly 20% greater ranges.

But we are also asking for all of this combined simultaneously so it may take some time to have it modeled.


Interestingly RBE2-XG on the future Rafale F5 should enjoy greater increased ranges, making 300km detection a regular occurrence to have better detection against stealth targets.

Range velocity: 380km
HPRF: 305km
LPRF: 305km
MPRF: 190km

These ranges are given for a target with an RCS of 5.


Can’t wait to see how both radars will be next update

Hopefully the TWS will be more like real life


the magic of GaN

I probably understand more the rcs part than the differents radar modes (?), but isn’t this low for having the task of detecting clean stealth aircrafts since as far as i know that was one of the goal ? For sure it must be ok for detecting drones and irl a plane is also supposed to either works alongside others if his radar is not the best or an awacs in best case but wouldn’t the rafale detect his opponent way too late ?

That depends really on the RCS value of the stealth aircraft and multitude of other things. Maybe once 5th gen fighters get added to the game and developers implement all of the Rafale’s features we’ll have a better idea when things are simulated.

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Just an interesting fact, the amount of electronics in the Rafale just for SPECTRA alone is greater than the electronics required for the RBE2 radar! The SPECTRA system is the brain of the Rafale collecting all the data from all the sensors and doing tasks for the pilot, but for now we don’t have any of the functionalities that comes with the SPECTRA system.



I read somewhere that the SPECTRA system is so good at its job that Rafales usually don’t even need SEAD aircraft to come with them in missions

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That is true! SPECTRA can jam and attack air defense systems. It has even happened in Libya when the SPECTRA system directed AASM-Hammers to the location of air defense systems.




amazing, Rafale is the ultimate multirole XD +1 to the list of things it can do

a growler with 3 NGJ pods will outperform it in jamming though, just saying

of course, the point of multirole aircraft is not to be the topper in everything but to do everything decently. The Rafale is decent at air-air, decent at air-ground, decent at sead, decent at nuclear deterrence, decent as a tanker… What makes it awesome is one aircraft can do any of these
But obviously specialized aircrafts do their job better, that’s their whole point