Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

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It has the same exact seeker as the MICA and all other non AIM-54 variant ARHs. It is also a lot harder to outrun than the MICA.


MiCA accelerates faster
Pulls more G

It is superior in short to medium range

And the meta for fox 3 did not change, amram are still on top.


If you are dying to a 120 launched at 50-40km thats on you.

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Did i said that, you should read again ? don’t assume things and it looks like you have no clue what i was talking about, you should not begin to be annoyed that mica works differently than aim120 when you can’t use the advantage that brings the aim 120 by forcing people to play defensively when launched and letting you have a better position.


As long as you don’t get barrel stuffed dodging the MICA is the exact same process as dodging an AMRAAM.

It is…however at closer ranges the 120s lethality drops off
The Rafale HMD MICA combo dominates short to medium range.

You guys are very quick to dismiss the massive advantages you have.

If you ever player the mirage 2k5f, you would have seen, that you could not even fight back aim 120 carrier before and had to play low all the time, the only difference between before where no one whined about it is that the Rafale has a good airframe, sure the hmd help but you could talk about many more missiles like r77 or other russian missiles that could pull a lot of g directly at the launch and are in lower tier for the capability you are talking about.


The increase in performance between the Rafale and the 2000 is significant.
The Radar also is a massive upgrade.

A 2000 in close range was deadly the perfect brawler
The Rafale with its increased performance is deadly in the medium to short range.
R-77 is also a very good missile and we will see that when the Su-30 and its PESA/AESA radar is added to the game.

No, I never said it wasn’t good in short range, I just said that this

Is incorrect as the MICA is quite literally the same if you don’t get barrel stuffed.

i’m sorry, what ?


Except in sim, i fail to see how the radar being, i agree quite good, is in anyway more helpful compared to for example the radar of the mirage2k5f which was more than enough to guide the mica.

In the close to short range envelope.
It is a good missile.

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In SIM, Air Rb and Ground the Rafale will find you before you find it.
Thats a huge advantage in any game mode.

The Typhoon as an example will not the Radar is simply not on the Rafales level

in that area it gets obliterated by MICA, and short range isn’t exactly the meta anyway

regarding Rafale and EF, both planes are currently lacking features that will probably be added later for balance concerns


it doesn’t matter as much in air rb, and the Rafale’s radar takes quite some time to get a first lock anyway. Only the refresh rate is stellar on this radar, and while being nice, it’s not exactly a game breaking feature to have

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Rafale is mising some QOL features
Typhoon is missing its Radar its not an exageration to say its mess and at times can feel unplayable.

When we compare the performance of both aircraft in game.
What features off a Typhoon would you trade with the Rafale?

Missiles…maybe but MICA and Magic 2 are great
Ground attack? Nope
Radar? Nope
HMD? Nope
Flight performance? Nope
MAWS? Nope
IRST? Nope

The Rafale is just a much better aircraft and if MICA had the correct ranges it would invalidate every other top jet in the game currently.

The Typhoon beats the Rafale in almost every metric FM wise, although narrowly

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Rafale and Typhoon should be close.
I have no issues with the flight performance of the Typhoon. Would i like it more refined? Game engine limitations is the likely cause.

Issue is the avionics and the systems.
Rafale has the bells and whistles Typhoons Radar is worse than previous generations (in game)