@DirectSupport good news and bad news regarding the IFF situation (depending on who you ask I suppose)
First off, I seem to have been wrong, so sorry about that. The IFF does seem to have its own antennas instead of piggy-backing on the radar like I was pretty sure it would.
That being said, I found the brochure from Thales regarding the TSB 2510 (the specific variant of the TSX 2500 the Rafale uses), and its emitting frequency of 1030MHz falls within the D band of radio frequencies, which means it should be able to be picked up by many RWR’s in-game, particularly if in an always on mode as your bug report would suggest it should act.
Furthermore, if you switch the webpage you quoted to french, it firstly still displays all the text in english (odd but funny bit I figured we could all laugh about) but it also specifies an interesting bit of information.
The Thales webpage about the Rafale specifies “interrogator antenna” singular, implying there is only one, but the brochure for TSB 2510 notes the output power to be 4x700w, suggesting 4 antennas. There are however pictures of the E-scan antenna in a 4 blade antenna form, as well as a singular conformal form, which is what I suspect the Rafale has, since I cant find any of the blade antennas on it.
Another interesting bit of info in the brochure is this:
“Provides target designated or sector scanned interrogation and reports.” Which may imply the IFF’s 2 modes still work mostly as I initially suspected they would, the target needs to be designated or the sector in which the target is needs to be scanned for the IFF to function. Since IFF’s do not designate, nor do they scan sectors to my knowledge, this could suggest the target would still need to be within the scan volume of the radar or other frontal sensors to operate.
So theres a bit of a branch in interpretations I could see here.
- The IFF systems is always on, providing the pilot with IFF info on allies at all times, but also rendering the aircraft detectable to D band RWR’s at all times.
- The IFF system is only on when tasked to IFF a target thats either been designated by or scanned over by another sensor, and therefore does not “always” provide friendly locations as you suggest.
I personally believe the second interpretation to be true, since the first one would be catastrophically idiotic for an aircraft thats put so much work into stealth, but at the same time, the second option caves your bug report in, so its a bit of a catch 22. I think the fact the antenna needs to be steered by the IFF also supports the second theory, in that it requires to be electronically pointed somewhere (like where another sensor is already looking).
Feel free to let me know if I’m missing something. There could also be some complicated radio-wizardry at play here that could allow it to always be on but not be picked up as well, but seeing as theres no info regarding said wizardry that I’ve yet found, its not really actionnable for bug reports.
Heres the brochure for anyone interested in reading it.