Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

There is always news about every country operating Eurofighter being interested in literally anything else.

i was not implying that they would order it, but more to find a reason about it going to differents countries all the time xD

Europe is already planning on using the MALE drone once that comes online. nEUROn to my understanding is just intended to sharpen Europe’s skills when it comes to collaboration and also technology know-how when it comes to stealth (for both IR and radar). All the technological know-how will transfer over to the 6th gen programs.



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Really, then it’s weirdly explained towards the publics, all time it’s talked about nEUROn even from ex pilots/pilots or professionnal it looks like nEURON different of MALE drone.
Well thanks you for explaining.

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they’ll make something out of neuron for the F5 version of Rafale

Basically a wing man, which might also be useful for the FCAS later down the road

for reference :

neuron :

male drone :


This and the nEURON will definitely fill different roles because the male looks like an MQ-9 Reaper contemporary whereas nEURON looks more like the basis for a loyal wingman

Indeed, not the same role at all

Until recently, Neuron was going to be only a demonstrator, but now they decided to use it as a basis for a wingman on Rafale F5 and whatever comes after that. They are possibly going to be using a single non afterburning M88.

Still speculation for now, pinch of salt, you know the drill X)


When war thunder collab with genshin impact it’s basically 2 gacha games at that point (I need the showcased skin).

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I never expected to see Furina on the War Thunder forums, but here we are.


RBE2 AESA radar should have a 140 degree wide scan option

Rafale should reach its firing rate instantaneously.

RBE2-AESA should have combined waveforms with increased ranges

Rafale missing gunport cover


How does a fixed plate PESA scan 140 degrees might i ask

Never mind i read it wrong all good

Very interesting

Using @DirectSupport post

It’s clear that Rafale model is unfinished (same as typhoon)
As air rb and sim player, a summery of issues i met with the current model of Rafale.


  • Rafale’s radar don’t act nor have the performance of an actually AESA radar, actually acting like mechanical Radar.

  • Rafale’s radar can’t scan at 140°.

  • Rafale’s radar can’t pick and track a target in TWS. (need multiple pass from radar to get the first contact)

  • Rafale’s radar scan rate(speed) is ABYSSAL for an AESA radar, (which combined wth the previous point, make the larger scan mode unusable/useless option)

  • Rafale’s radar not able to lock at first try in SRC PD mode (sometimes need to spam the “lock” keybind)

  • Rafale’s radar can be “soft lock” if you use IRST. Radar get locked to “MEM TRK” unable to use any missile Radar. Workaround: land, bail out, respawn. It will reset the radar

  • Rafale’s radar TWS capability far from what expected in tems of tracking.

These issues in sim can easily get you kill if you don’t pay enough attention. for ex: TWS not pick up a target in head-on at less then 5-10 KM.
Less annoying in air rb (because marker and HMD are more easy to use in this mode).
Mirage 2000’s Radar is actually more reliable than Rafale’s radar currently to search target.


  • From certain angle, the RWR can display the current threat in the opposition direction. Can happen if the Rafale’s wings are level to the horizon (parralel to the ground), can be even worse (or more easily triggered) if wings are at 90°.

  • Rafale’s RWR pick up on flares and friendly flares, rather an annoyance, and dont feel like a “modern” rwr. A nice jumpscare in sim when it come from an allies just popping some flares just for the show, and you in panic mode defensively maneuver because you think someone manage to sneak up behind you.


  • HMD not able to display Tracked target in sim

  • HUD don’t display the distance range of the tracked target, (but will display the “designated ground target” range distance)

  • The new “radar tracked target marker” on HUD don’t display correctly the direction of the target, if the target is not in front of HUD. ex: Target off boresight of the HUD and at high altitude. The hud will display the target near the ground instead to point to the top. (affect at least the Rafale and Mirage. Supposed to affect every plane which have this new addition)

Flight Model:

  • Obviously like every addition since mach.1 jet. It will take at least 1 or 2 major patch to get FM fixed
    Same story for Rafale (and more obviously on Typhoon)

  • In full real mode, Manual mode and Dampering mode performance gap are “too big”? For comparaison Mirage 2000 Dampering mode is pretty smooth and don’t restrict too much compared to the Manual mode of Mirage 2000. Feel completely the opposite on Rafale. Seems like the Dampering mode is too restrictive or the manual mode are way too high.


  • Gear Brake are not very strong on Rafale. Take time to slow down a Rafale when landing.

Outside of Rafale:
Missile performance: Mica EM is purely lacking in the BVR area (outside of 15-20km). The current Mica EM feel like in same issue as Magic 2 pre-buff. Once the booster is off, the missile dont maintain enough speed feel like the missile hit a wall and slowed down too quick.
On the good part, the major patch introduced some fix for TVC missiles (so less spinning). Would be good to reintroduce the previous performance of Mica TVC (the TVC value from dev-server of Fox 3 introduction)
TVC mica nerfed to avoid spinning issue iirc.

Magic 2: is pretty balanced, but is lacking in terms of range.

For those you want to grind Rafale, for me the Major flaw are:

  • Top speed (1458 kmh) - Unable to pursuit some high end aircraft + coupled to current performance of Mica, they can maintain a certain “safe” distance from Rafale. it’s was not the case in Mirage 2000 (until Typhoon which could create enough gap to stay safe)
  • BVR capability (outside 20km)
  • The still low amount of flare in high constested area (chaff amount is good).

shouldn’t micas (and actually all modern ARH AAMs) be launchable outside of their ‘gimbal’ at close range with a radar lock?

not that the micas need a HOBS buff but you know

Yes, the R-77 was known for having up to 90 degrees HOBS capability - the min range is unknown, but it should be more than capable of turning to hit something much further out than the gimbal limit.


Rafale’s IRST should be displayed alongside the radar

Rafale’s radar display should show hostile radar emissions

Rafale’s RWR should be able to create sensor point-of-interest


Hey man.

Is there any information about RWR Band coverage? Currently Rafale’s RWR cant detect K Band and it feels weird considering how advanced Rafale’s sensors are.


I believe there is a internal report on the K band


Thanks for the information.

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