Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Rip the hmd

It wouldn’t be 14.0 worthy at all if they do so.
And well like it was said a lot of times that there were lot of tests of hmd on this rafale, for a lot of planes in the game there is even less ground for them to have it.

but the Rafale is french so likeeee doesnt deserve one [!]

Shot fired at 4000 m for 1600 km/h, already at 2500 km/h ish after travelling 14km, that’s ludicrous deceleration, it kind of confirm honza’s post : it’s a stone (at long range, that’s what he was talking about anyway i would assume).

Gaijin is going to do gaijin things by giving it 6 Micas instead of fixing them, so be it i suppose

F3.2 would have had :

  • a little bit worse radar that what we have currently (the radar currently lacks range and does not really behaves like an AESA, even if it’s really good). PESA would have been far, and i mean far enough for now
  • Polyvalent missiles, very good at short range, decent at long range, but less of them
  • They could’ve given the old HMD with 2 circles for all i care
  • IR and GPS AASM only

F3R would have come later with the option for 2 Meteors, Laser AASM and a true, well modelled AESA when others could get the equivalent. And then F4.1 later on
This whole thing smells like wasted potential imo


Looking at it to me it seems like 2 extra MICA and more flares!!!

After reading again, i think he meant the current helmet but that it would be replaced by another one i guess, still seems way too annoying for gaijin to do so.

i dont see why people are such haters for 8 MICA and HMD, really confuses me. aslong as there is an HMCS i think it wont cause a riot. cause dear lord do jets in toptier need HMD. i went from negative in the Meshupar to positive real quick once its radar HMD got added.

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My point is that they’re perfectly capable of 20km shots, and that’s essentially the longest effective range in ARB anyway for most missile, because people tends to dodge anything launched from further away (assuming they aren’t bots, there’s a lot of them, granted).

I scored some 35-40km kills with the Aim7F, and that missile, as good as it is, is basically completely out of juice after 20km. It’s not representative of anything.

But people are seriously naive if they think Gaijin would give MICA the range of an AMRAAM. It’s simply a matter of balancing things. They won’t give the best long range missile to the current best brawler. They already did that mistake to the F16C-F15C when Fox 3 were added.

i heard somewhere that gaijin doesnt balance missile and goes off purely kinematics. so like?

Yeah seems like it will finally get 8 mica.


There ya go, F4.1 but just not with the name now.


Yeah, below 20km, its fine, not perfect but fine, its best below 15.
But if you want BVR, you need something that keeps energy at range. And even in RB, BVR is often 40-60km. Mica is outright incapable of shots like these with solid PK unlike amraam or PL-12 and i would say even derby is somewhat decent there. Cant say for R77 as its in same group as mica, shortly after burning out - stone.


Where are you getting these :D




Why have I even done my work just to get another Frankenstein non-sense.



less good flares

We really need ability to select in mixed configurations. Large x32 all the way

Cuz the french players asked for this and so the french players got it?

Yea, who cares about future addtions anyway. Whats even the point to hold back the F.4.1 now, seriously.

All they need to change now is the model of the IRST, add AASM-1000 and you have a full F.4.1…


They should just have made it F.4.1 at the start, there would be no questions no problems, it would be still the same story about mica not performing well at all and there would be 75% less activity in here and that would be it.

But yeah 6 bad missiles was not 14.0 worthy at all that is for sure.

don’t give them ideas X)

Next thing you know, a meteor is going to pop up on these discord datamines

That’s really the thing i don’t like with these addition most of the time : new shiny things wich are broken, instead of more reasonable but less impressive stuff which works as it should

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