Wanna bet the NG will be either 70km or stated ±80km range of standard mica?
Rafale F.4 indeed will require MICA-NG at some point.
Rafale F.3R lacks MICA-IR and METEOR
Rafale A → prototype : not gonna happen but:
Rafale M.F.1 or B.F2.2 might be introduced in the game someday,… and one of those might end up premium,… (hopefully the B F.2.2)
Rafale A could end up as event vehicle eventually.
Do AIM-120s have more fillers than they should have, or do they proxy fuse the ground ? because AIM-120s keep killing me despite hitting the ground
If they fall from high angle, even if they aim to ground, they will go around you nad proxy on you eventually. Often its hit or crit only but its enough to screw your game. You cant reliably multipath against really high amraam platform as that amraam is literally falling on top of you. Its rng af against them. Its safer to sit on the side of battle doing mach 1.5 at alt and then join from altitude. Notching incomming long range amraam if you have to.
and how am I supposed to get kills ? I only have MICAs, can’t shoot at a enemy far away who shot me a AIM-120
Only reliable way to get kills with MICAs is to bait people into low speed turn fights
Survive initial spamraam onslaught and then pick remainings. Rafale is extremely mid at top tier due to weapons and their ammount. You cant even get close and slow else you eat heatseeker due to extremely low count of flares. We still miss normal flares which should be double of current load.
Plane is fun but is it meta or close to meta? Not even close. Its niche and hard to carry anything if you face competent bvr opponent.
Yeah… Also they should at least give Rafale its smart flares tho
WHY THE HELL IS THE TRACK AUTOMATICLY CHANGING TO IR TRACK TO PROCEED GETTING FLARED ?! This is so damn annoying. Even my grandma would be a better radar if I gave her a microwave and strapped her in front of a jet
Well guys, there is a chance that current Scorpion HMD can be replaced with different one.
It seems some people got really upset with current F3R addition,lol.
So we gonna get the shitty 2 circle generic hmd like the m2k again
Guess we France mains cant get nice things :(
“… then it’s possible it would be removed and potentially replaced with one of the other HMDs tested for export.”
So we’re not gonna leave it with a HMD compatible with it and considered for French service, but we will leave it with HMD considered for another nation’s service but not the extra pylons? Seems very not quite proper.
Gaijins double standards on display once again.
So which one is mounted on the export version?
No idea, its more about - we wont give you more micas as its Indian thing and not french but we will give you export hmd.
If they do implement this it would give us grounds to make a new bug report about the missing pylons. Because we can then argue that we have a export F3-R not a French F3-R.
It will be shut down on grounds of hmd balance thing, not realism thing. But removing french helmet will be fine for them.
Also justification to remove HMD from platforms that didn’t even trial them.
8 mica would also be a balance thing.