Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

My memory may be failing me, and I’m far too tired to recall the physics behind it, but have we not seen several advancements in phased array set ups to improve the scan width? Both in the technology itself, and the installation methods.

I am mostly asleep though, had a tonne of caffeine and that tends to knock me out.

the study which I’m relying on is from 2019, stating an practical limit of ±60° due to the underlying physics

On the use of AESA (Active ElectronicallyScanned Array) Radar and IRST (InfraRed Search&Track) System to Detect and Track Low Observable Threats

Sadly I dont have a link right now

I recall reading something on helping to improve the scan width, but I don’t have it to hand. I’ll see if I can find anything I read on it when I’m not on the verge of collapse. If I remember.

It’s not ±70° though it’s ±35°


Glad someone caught that.

I’m talking about the total FoV, not the area scanned at a time

Did someone bug report the hilariously bad radar yet?

Yes, someone did it after less than a hour

I see, hopefully they change it
Right now it’s like 1970s early pulse-doppler in terms of track lol


This is ±70°, in both elevation and azimuth


So wait, if I understood correct, Rafale has :

  1. Less missiles than Mirage 2K5F
  2. Excuse of an AESA radar (worse than SU-34’s PESA)
  3. Worse flight model than Eurofighter

What’s the point ?

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It doesn’t scan all the way as you can clearly see. That’s just the field of regard

Going back to monke (or giga brain, depending on how you look at it) and steering the array itself is a solution. Some Russian jets already do this. Gripen-E does so too by rotating it IIRC, which gives it the ability to even scan over its shoulder a bit. There are probably other examples too.

Oh ok, it wasn’t clear. ±70° is a realistic field of regard for an Aesa radar so not sure what’s the problem

Eurofighter currently has similar radar problems, this seems to be Gaijin just rushing the update.


At least we have the historical amont of missiles

That radar is worse than most top tier radars, iam quite confident in saying that its worse than Su-27SM radar jusd due to inability to have 2-3 bar scan. Now you ALWAYS have to scan huge area. In largest one, it cant track. It simply loses track before it repeats the scan. In 16° cover, it can barely do it against slow MiG-15 in slight turn. I bet that anything fast maneuvering will get out of that track without any issues. Its visible on the video, it slowly loses it. Only somewhat reliable is the most narrow one aka absolutely useless unless you engage single target.
And its all made worse by gaijins induced bug of doubled refres rate due to repeating scan pattern.

Why does the snail hate France ? :(


If they’re going to give it AESA at least name it right, it should be RBE2-AA, not whatever that is to help the idiots understand what it is

Aye, that was one I read on but there was another that for the life of me I can’t recall.