Dassault Rafale C F3: Le Rafale!

The first line from French Air and Space Force

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Agreed. Also that line already has one of the best top tier planes in the game

Dassault aviation (Rafale builder) 7.5t thrustx2

Safran (engine builder) 7.5t thrustx2

Gaijin : 7tx2


PLUS, you take standard F3 (instead of logical F1/2) but didn’t put any of his technologies; AESA multi purpose and multi-targeting radar, SPECTRA omni-directional defensive electronic warfare/MAW, OSL (FLIR etc), MICA IR (you nerfed EM, you can nerf IR…) and the loadout aren’t that huge compared to other aircraft, this is strange that Rafale can take off at 24.000kg but none of this loadout are even close to this…?

Anyway, I’m fu*in hyped to get my hand on it, thank you for that.

PS: Armements et emports Rafale

You’ll can find some Rafale spécifications and commercial here

And here the builder of SPECTRA communication about it.


Probably bug report the engines being wrong as that will get it heard


Channel loss…

I didn’t understood ?

You know that today only US can afford a plane to do ground attack (F-35) and a plane to do air superiority (F+22)?
All other countries choose to have a plane that can do both role that’s also the main selling point of the rafale (commercial argument): it is omnirole

And to be fair US has also choose the same path through the F-15EX

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7.5 tons is when it’s on a test bench, when it is installed on the aircraft you have some power loss from the exhaust of the aircraft therefore you lose power. Losing those 0.5 tons is just loosing 6.67 % of the trust. I don’t know how it compares to other aircraft. I believe that EFT is around 5%

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It was said in the dev stream that the radar isn’t working as it should, so it’s likely to be fixed before live server. SPECTRA would only really entail 360° RWR coverage as it’s too early to implement EW capbilities - much less to just 1-2 jets. It has a MAWS. Damocles targeting pod does all of that OSL/FLIR stuff.

The MICA EM isn’t “nerfed”. It’s an ARH missile with thrust vectoring… All thrust-vectoring capable missiles have terrible range beyond 15-20 km… MICA IR can’t be added because again, too much for the game right now.

The loadouts of the Rafale (and other jets which are missing things) will over time be updated… There are some stuff that aren’t there now in the dev server that could be added by the time it hits the live server… Come on, you should know this drill by now.

No way you just said the MICA isn’t nerfed, have you seen how harsh the drag coef is on the thing?


You mean in game ? Because in reality the Mica EM should behave like an ARH S530D with more loft. It would also loose its 50 G when engine turn off. However it can achieve 30 G by using aerodynamic control (essentially the super 530 D)

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Rename to Rafale C F4 (F4.1 standard) with Scorpion HMCS, GMTI and 8 MICA Air-to-Air Missile ?



My point was that they could add Rafale M F1 instead, or C F2 if the game isn’t ready for F3 standard…

I’m agree with what you said except for OSL, targeting pod (not the good one if I remember) take an hardpoint when OSF didn’t but still permit detection and lock (fused date)
Same for Spectra; fused data share tango location to weapons systems even if they re invisible to the pilot, they can be lock without any effort.
I didn’t spoke about link 16; others planes should already use it to share tracking/lock capabilities.

Sorry if something look wrong, maybe my english is harsh.

But anyway, there will be always a little bunch of aircraft that bring more advanced power and technologies, why not a french one instead of usual US/RU top tier sealclubber?

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Will the AESA radar be implemented or are gajin holding it back?

Devs said they will implement it.


Has anyone had the bug yet where the MICA-EM will get randomly deselected so that you can’t fire them unless you turn on the Weapon Select then turn it back off to fire the missiles?


I dont have weapon selection enabled when using only one type of weapons but it happened to me that MICA’s wouldn’t start cooking up after locking someone, regardless in which direction opponent is flying

My aircraft is full.

To be honest, I’m kind of disapointed about the plane.
It does not feel right

Radar is bugged, doesnt want to lock on HMD target in front of you (headon)

MICA seems so weak.
When you lock, sometimes you can’t launch it.

I was way more confortable with Mirage 2000 5F