Dassault Rafale C F3: Le Rafale!

The Dassault Rafale jet fighter is coming to the game as a new top aircraft for the French aircraft tree!

Rafale C F3: A Jet Fighter for France at Rank VIII

At a glance:

  • Powerful engines and excellent controllability.
  • Large number of guided bombs.
  • MICA-EM air-to-air missiles.
  • No air brake.

Vehicle History

The Dassault Rafale multi-role fighter was accepted into service with the French Air Force in 2005, and in early 2014, the French Ministry of Defense announced funding for the F3 modernization program. The main goals of this upgrade were to increase the aircraft’s combat ability and overall capabilities. The Rafale received a new radar, more advanced communication and surveillance systems, the ability to use Damocles and TALIOS targeting pods, and an expanded range of weapons. Tests of the upgraded aircraft began in April 2014, with the first test flights taking place in December of the same year. In October 2018, the French Air Force accepted the Rafale F3-R into service, and by 2030, all operational aircraft will be modernized to this standard. The first combat use of the Dassault Rafale C (F3-R) occurred in September 2020, when a pair of aircraft struck ISIS positions. Additionally, the F3-R modification has been exported to Greece and Croatia.

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Introducing the Rafale C F3!

Arriving at the end of the line for the French aircraft tree is a very famous and modern aircraft: the Dassault Rafale! Coming in the Storm Warning major update, this aircraft features excellent characteristics and a large arsenal of weapons. Let’s dive into the details!

The Rafale, along with the other top fighters, is a very technologically advanced aircraft that has its own unique elements. For example, this aircraft has access to MICA-EM ARH missiles, which are among the best long-range missiles in the game. In addition to this, the Rafale has just 2 missiles for short range engagements — already well-known to French pilots, the Matra R550 Magic 2. Another unique aspect is in the Rafale’s countermeasure loadout — it only has 32 large caliber countermeasures, but additionally a large amount of chaff!

Interesting: “Rafale”, when written in French as “Rafale de vent”, is translated into “Gust of Wind”!

In addition to regular bombs for destroying ground targets, the Rafale features both the Paveway series of guided bombs (GBU-12, GBU-16, GBU-22 and GBU-24), familiar from other aircraft, and the AASM HAMMER (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range) bombs, new to War Thunder! This new addition includes the SBU 38 guided bomb (GNSS guidance), SBU 54 (Laser+IOG+GNSS guidance), and the most advanced version, the SBU 64 (IR+IOG+GNSS). Guidance for these new bombs is handled by the DAMOCLES targeting pod, familiar from the advanced Mirage 2000 aircraft.

In terms of speed, the Rafale features a pair of SNECMA M88-2 engines, producing a total thrust of almost 14,000 kgf and a maximum speed of over 1,800 km/h at very high altitudes when using the afterburner. The delta wing design and canards make the Rafale very controllable at any speed and altitude, allowing it to perform sharp maneuvers, while the powerful engines can quickly replenish energy losses.

That’s it for this blog! The Rafale C F3 will be waiting for you in the Storm Warning major update, where very soon it will have its say in both Air and Ground Battles — until then though, keep an eye out for more dev blogs!

Please note that this vehicle’s characteristics may be changed before it is added to the game.

You can greatly speed up the research of the Rafale C F3 with this pack:

Mirage F1C-200 Pack

The Kit Includes:
  • Mirage F1C-200 (Rank VII, France)
  • Premium account for 20 days
  • 2500 Golden Eagles


not fair camping the dovbleg




I am still so blown by the fact that just a few years ago people were even wondering if we would ever get supersonic jets ingame, and now… here we are- getting the most advanced jets on the planet ingame.

I have never really played sim, but once I get Eurofighter, I likely will!

The fact that this is shot ingame is just… mind blowing.




MICA is the worst fox3 missile for bvr and one of the best for close combat…


6/10 snoot



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Which is it? Magic 2s plus MICAs or only MICAs???

Please read what you write, if you even write these.




Merry Rafalemas


They either:

  1. Don’t play their own game
  2. Don’t read what they write
  3. Don’t even write the devblogs themselves but rather use some LLM

Not to mention the contradiction.


It also means “burst of fire”.


It is one sexy beast!

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OK sorrry be there is so many wrong thing in this devblog first the F3 has MICA IR and not magic II but if it’s for balancing the game it’s ok ?second he has airbrake the canard and elevons can be use has airbrake, and third the flare ?yes he has only 36 BIG flares but he can have 64 smaller flares .





MICA IR would be OP, it’s for balance.
Canards as airbrakes is “too complicated” to implement.
Idk about the flares. It better be 64 small as it takes like 20 to defeat one AIM-9M


best written devblog

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literally. I wonder if they changed it on dev server yet?

also 7 GBUs doesnt really seem like a “large amount”, F-15E can carry twice as many