"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

F111K won’t come. Britain isn’t allowed plausible designs that had questionable documentation of existence. Only thing we’ll get in the British tree with a half decent dumb payload is either a Vulcan (they’ve denied) or the Australian F111 which belongs in the tree of account of Australia having closer ties to Britain throughout history than the US. Wouldn’t have gone to war for the US without Britain in almost all circumstances.

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they prolly would have ended up going to war together with teh US due to common threat of JP

Australia and Canada having a slightly more consistant home is nice as well.

Wager the majority of us are far more inclined towards the British tree than scattered amongst American rubbish.

Fairly certain Australians were already invovled in the war before pearl harbour or the US joined

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Which is my issue with the F-111C. Why is a foreign aircraft taking the place of an indigineous option. Its especially funny when to my understanding, the 111C requires a different 3D model to the 111F, whereas the 111K would be the same.

Shhh, you’ll ruin their fantasy.

I mean, Belgium loves Australia as well. I have several family members in Perth and Melbourne. Why not give an Australian vehicle to Belgium? ;) jk ofc

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I am not a pommie. Kinda hate the poms. Hate the yanks more tho.

I understood a grand total of 2 words from that

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Yeah. I dont think we should get every single Australian or Canadian vehicle under the sun. But RAAF F-111C and CF-18 would be nice fillers. RAAF F-86 (with Avoin engine and 30mm ADENs) could be a nice alternative to the RAF F-86s that would be straight C&Ps. New Zealand A-4 could make a nice SQV or Event vehicle at some point

Should get the vast majority of commonwealth kit. Only real way we’d get Australia and Canada’s neat stuff in one spot.

that was Europe and Africa though afaik, in the pacific they really started in like 1942 from gogole

There is a load of native stuff that I think would be better where possible. Like the Canadian LAV III or the Australian IFV (name escapes me) as top tier IFVs

ty for scar and FAL and five seven and P90

Japan: Gets near our islands
Americans: Surely it was because we joined the war and not a matter of self preservation.

Oh yea, I’d much rather our native designs. But I’d also like our leopards and such.

On 3 September 1939, Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced that Australia was at war with Germany. - Source

??? wasnt there a big air raid in 1942 on australia, that caused them to focus on japan. i get that they started due to self preservation but logically they allied with US bc we were fighting same enemy and could help each other

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