Dance of Dragons? More like Loss of Framerates

The new update for War Thunder made my frames go under 25FPS gaijin pls fix


Good to know it’s not just me


Same. Went from 100+ to being lucky for getting 50 fps

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same here 150 to 50 FPS

My specs for reference, I saw a drop from 100 to around 38-40 with stuttering.
Win11 with 12t gen I7 (12700H), RTX3060, and 16gb of DDR4 Ram

Am I cooked? I have Intel Core I5-10210U, Intel UHD with 8gb DDR4 and usually get 40 fps on minimum before the update

My “NVIDIA 740M” graphics card of my Core-i7, 32GB RAM notebook is not supported anymore, just my internal Intel HD graphics is used.
Means I dropped from 20 fps to 5 fps, so I can’t play anymore properly.

As of 2024-09-16, my “NVIDIA Geforce 740m” graphics card is detected again, so I play with “minimum” graphics even with higher FPS than before the update.
