I have found an interesting variant, however i am still trying to find information about it so don’t have much to share, but this includes an CV9030N Mk.1 with a different turret, a MCT-30 from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. Fitted with an 30x173mm Mk.44 Bushmaster cannon, nvd, air tracking with lead indicator, ballistic calculator (might have aps systems as well, uncertian, might be too early model)
Many many interesting ones :D
I found at research paper from 2004 talking about QWIP derived thermal imagers. (Which LIRC is)
I will try to access it tomorrow with my University account maybe we will learn more.
Meanwhile this forum claims it was mounted to some B models
Of course no sources at all were provided for that
This journal mentioned the purchase of 42 units by Sweden. Of course it probably is also not a very credible source
Holy mother of god
that one
Shameless plug of my collection:
That forum quote is definetely about some one off prototypes. The regular gunners controls which the “skyttens styrdon” refers to has no buttons to control the sight, those are some special vehicles. The sights controlls are adjusted through a sepparate pannel mounted off to the side.
So the only way of identifying those prototypes would be from the interior?
Yup, nice to know we could potentially get some Bs with better thermals if more info could be found though.
E- och Stripbv 90
On this webbsite he is refering to the RENO on RENO Epbv 90 och Stripbv 90 not mentioning the other models and this was conducted and completed for most vehicles “Vad kommer då att göras inom ramen för detta RENO för Epbv 90 och Stripbv 90:”.
Lvkv 90
On this website he is only refering to (when talking about the RENO) for the lvkv model RENO Lvkv90, “Vad kommer då att göras inom ramen för detta RENO för Lvkv 90:”. This was also completed from my understanding.
Strf 9040
On this website he also speaks of RENO being conducted “Vad kommer då att göras inom ramen för detta RENO för Strf 9040:”.
I cant find anywere where he says that they didnt receive the LIRC or an update to the sight system (Not that it would matter that much for the game :) ) but i could have missed something. Also the books i have talks about the LIRC for C models across the board.
The D models have most of the packages represented on the table accept for add on armor from my understanding.
Arméns trotjänare får välbehövlig renovering - Försvarsmakten
Milstolpe i uppgraderingen av Stridsfordon 90
Stridsfordon 90 RENO leverans av seriefordon #100 - SOFF
Utvecklingen av stridsfordonssystemet – en väg framåt inom räckhåll – KUNGL KRIGSVETENSKAPSAKADEMIEN “Inom ramen för Arméns tänkta utveckling under de närmaste 10 åren så avses RENO fullföljas för hela flottan medan REMO Stridsfordon 90 ska påbörjas.”
The only thing that was not involed or as you mentioned previously taken out from RENO was the ambition of a higher protection level (adding add-on armor like the one on 9040C) Trots allt – faktisk förmågehöjning stridsfordon 90 – Cornucopia?
It’s indeed never said that the Strf 9040 didn’t get the LIRC on any of those pages, but he does explicitly say the Epbv, Lvkv and not the Stripbv recieved an improved IR camera, and through the chart he made we know that if the base variants got it eventually then it was only after the C+/RENO, excluding the C completely. It would also be odd that he mentions an improved IR camera for all these specialized variants but would omit it on the base variant.
What i have found
CV9030/CV9030N as Trialed in 1992/3
CV9030N Mk.1
CV9030N Mk.1 F1 - Additional armor protection
CV9030N Mk.1 - Oppklaringsvogn 6m mast
CV9030N Mk.IIIb Pre production small differences & 40mm agl
CV9030N Mk.IIIb
CV9030N Mk.IIIb - Tested with Black hornet drone casette
CV9030N Mk.IIIb - Oppklaringsvogn 6m mast
CV9030N MultiC RS6 - 30x113mm cannon
CV9030N MultiC - mortar carrier, also tested with black hornet casette
CV9035DK Desert - Additional spaced gitter/armor & saab barrcuda
I also find it off that he didnt mention it explicitly on the base variant. I may write and ask him hehe. Also i hope that the CV90 photo book from SPHF can add some more clarity and interested information about the vehicle in general.
He saddly died in 2016 or 2017, that’s why the pages stop on mentioning what the RENO project will include.
Darn it. Well i have some other contacts who worked on it for a long time (the vehicle) i may ask them.
You could also ask the person who wrote the research paper, I found him on LinkedIn
Also here’s a Strf 9040C with a Bofors Lemur RWS with thermals, a laser rangefinder, IRST, and a 40 mm Mk 19 grenade launcher that fires HEDP and HE-VT.
Now thats a model that could be implemented :)
I have requested it through the publish site “researchgate” with my student account so hopefully i can have it within 1-2 weeks