Custom Sight

I’m trying to make a custom gunsight but when I look at tutorial is having to click a dropdown menu in common battle settings

it’s not there and there is no User sights in my files

can someone help thanks

It’ important that the blk-file for the sight is configured properly. A single mistake there and it won’t show up, because the client can then not “understand” the file.

Note that’s for example also important that the filename does not contain spaces iirc.

no i mean there is no file like there is only user skins and user misssion
there is no folder for user sights

If there isn’t one, then make a file in the War Thunder directory titled “UserSights”

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You will find a lot of details about how to create custom sights here: User-made sighting reticles - War Thunder Wiki

once i make a file named User sights
make a subfile for the tank?
or just put the reticle in there?

I believe you make a subfile for the tank of choice

IIRC if you create a “user sight” for any vehicle, the game creates an entire /UserSights directory and populates folders for each current existing vehicle.
You do this by: Options > Common Battle Settings > Use alternative sight grid > “add a grid sight”.
This will add a template sight file to that vehicle folder (remember the vehicle name shown for finding it). You can then modify it or rename/add new files. Using the command “reload sight” will refresh the list in the grid sight list and/or update the displayed sight.
The above is also how you add newly added vehicles to your /UserSights folder since the game doesn’t do it automatically.

yeah, but there’s no drop-down menu for it

i went exactly where you said

there’s no use alternate grid sight menu

Are you on console?

IM ON PC i can send screenshot

holy crap never minds its here now

you talking about it must of fixed it

thank you


Have you read the WT Wiki page that I linked? Your questions are answered in literally the first few paragraphs…

(Edit: Saw that it works for you now, great! Still, study the wiki page thoroughly, most stuff is explained there. For more exotic stuff, ask us again, haha!)

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I id thank you friend :thumbsup:

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Thank you so much for asking this cuz the same thing happened to me :) headin to fix it rn