Crowdfunding project for the restoration of the Tiger 1 114 at french Saumur tank museum

Hi guys, it’s my first post on the forum and for a good reason (so maybe i’m not choosing the right topic but i don’t know where to post it’s a bit overwhelming ) .

The Saumur french tank museum opened a crowdfunding campaign on Ulule to restore their Tiger 1 to a functionnal state.

Their objective is to collect 200 000€ in total (48694€ already collected while I’m writing this post) for the full restoration as shown in the picture below that you can find on the page.

You can find all the details and more on the ulule page.

The reason for me to write this post other than sharing the page with the community is to ask a question for devs or war thunder staff the following questions.

Would it be difficult to create a skin of the Tiger 114 as a collaboration and sell it as a premium for example with a percentage of it that would go to the restoration?

I asked for the museum staff in the FAQ on ulule and they said that they have already written to the major games but nobody answered and they really would like to get a contact in the game staff.

I learned of the existence of the project when I visited the museum but didn’t know they launched a crowdfunding campaign even if I’m French and learned about it thanks to ConeOfArc on twitter and I truly think they deserve more attention.

It would be so cool if someone could help them !!

Thanks guys, Have a nice day