So I play on Xbox and I usually play realistic battles with my buddies and regularly find myself getting frustrated with the ease of use PC players have compared to controller (skill issue I know) and would sometimes turn off Crossplay as to only run into other Xbox players which would even the playing ground for me. But recently I had gotten a temp ban for the breach of 3.2.3 “no malicious or deceiving use: exploit flaws in game mechanics (exploit, bugs) namely colluding with enemy team in order to facilitate cap trading”. Now at the time I had not realized that this was against the rules and am I’m no way trying to justify it, I served my time and don’t plan on doing this again at all. With that being said, since then I have not turned off my Crossplay out of fear that regardless of not intending on breaking any rules I will be banned.
TLDR: will I be banned or otherwise punished for turning Crossplay off so I don’t have to play with PC players.
You were not banned simply because you turned off the cross play but for having colluded with the enemy in getting more RP (such as exchanging caps, etc.). If you turn off cross play you are put against other Xbox players, resulting in a match usually made by max 2-3 players per side plus bots (sometime this situation occurs also without turning off cross play). Many times, at the beginning of such match, somebody ask you: “truce?” And you, naively, answer: “yes”. And both players ignores each other and kill bots or go for a cap. This is what happened to me sometimes ignoring that it is a break of the rules. And for this, I was banned too for 1 day. Served the punishment and learned the lesson. But you will not be banned simply for having turned off cross play to the extend that you are not ignoring your enemy.
wait so can you turn off crossplay or not??? Like I Dont care about chat or truce and that, but can you turn off crossplay without getting banned??
Is it not just in Options?
It probably only appears if you’re on a console, as it only applies for consoles (Unless it only applies for Xbox?)
But if you cut out all the PC players I’m thinking your queue times are going to be quite long
Oh yeah I have that option in “Options” but I dont wanna get banned because someone writes truce or for killing bots that fill up lobby… because until Battle Eye dont come fully Im refusing to play against cheaters and soft cheaters in ground… and if I can play against consoles only that would be good but I dont wanna get banned
I play WT on my Xbox Series S, almost just Air SB, using KB & Mouse and HOTAS. When I played ARB and Naval, I used just the KB & Mouse. I use a cheap wireless keyboard and mouse combo with a single dongle. Never stood back for the elite PC players. I do suck at dogfights, but I am old and my reactions and eyes are not what it used to be. Still does not stop me from prowling and bouncing distracted planes every now and then or bombing ground targets.
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