So as the title
I’d like to know before I think tk make a bug report if there’s any circumstances I wouldn’t be awarded the kill for critically damaging someone enough they can’t control their plane properly and end up crashing, albeit after they manage to take a base out about a minute ish after
Is there something that results in this or shouldn’t I have had the kill?
In this instance on checking the replay form the enemy vehicle I hits perspective.
I crit them taking out a good bit of their tail making them struggle to manoeuvre, they keep it straight for about 20 seconds and manage to grab a base that was in line, they try to turn towards another but can’t maintain control and hit the ground.
Nobody else hits them, and they take no other damage between my missile critical hit and them hitting the ground.
They die and there’s no credit to anyone in the log or in the stats. They’re just dead.
Now usually when thsi happens to me the other way around the enemy is awarded the kill. And I’m pretty sure whenever this has happened in the past too I’ve got the kill or an assist should someone else kill them off understandably as I’ve damaged them enough to make them an easier target
I really think I should’ve had the kill awarded I this instance, but really can’t see why.
As for the severe damage I’d fully expect that 0+1 to have appeared and then the kill, and that works fine and always has done for me too
Imho this is hard to diagnose without a provided replay link.
Have in mind that the in-game battle log and the replay battle log show often different results - and this is a problem for years. So whilst in game you see a crash of a friendly, in the replay you see a logged team kill. Or in-game you see an enemy crashed whilst the replay log you are rewarded with the kill.
Regarding your case: If you want to create a bug report - do it fast.
From my pov gaijin has changed some settings in the last days which does not really make sense.
So i watched now in several cases intentional or unintentional rammings of team mates (which resulted in the past with a false blaming of the ramming victim as teamkiller if the rammer crashed) which results now just in a crash of both. This looks rather like a good change, but makes it more complicated to report those things for pilots not directly involved.
Same as with critical hits. In this replay (link) you see me shooting off the complete elevator of a P-38 J at 13:23. This was a few days ago a severe damage. As i fought alone 1 vs 3 i could not finish him. I managed to kill the other 2 remaining enemies - but the P-38 managed to stay airborne, despite the missing elevator. So i was about to lose the match by tickets. If the P-38 would not have tried to land and crashed (21:09) i would have lost as i was too far away - and i would not have been rewarded with the kill thx to the missing severe damage.
Thanks, wasn’t sure if i was allowed to post a replay link here still getting used to the forum rules etc, this is the replay and the only enemy teams kfir canard is what i critical hit (it’s a defo a crit imo not a severe damage) REPLAY
the initial hit is at approx 3mins and 2 seconds, and the log shows the critical hit, the kfir hits the ground at approx 4mins 20 having taken no further damage. you can see in the replay too he has limited control and is struggling as a result of my hit on them too
Think having gone over this a few times myself now and the couple replies here i’ll probably be putting that biug report in then
Someone hit the guy in the horizontal stabilizer, causing “Severe Damage” before you cut off their wing before they died, denying you the kill despite your attack dealing more impactful damage.
Check video:
You landed first strike and … nope. Nobody severe’d them beforehand.
My only assumption is probably the control lines being damaged made the kill credit expire by the time he crashed? But it shouldn’t expire for kills, only assists.
Like, I’ve footage of a kill happening like 1:10 minutes after dealing critical damage from the guy finally crashing and it credited me.
I think this page of the old wiki will help you. Destruction credit mechanics - War Thunder Wiki
There is a time out mechanic for hit, critical hit… where after a certain time you will not receive anything.
Thanks, that’s exactly the info I was after and it clearly states there’s 90 seconds time out for critical hits being effective too m, he died within that window
Critical damage
Activity timer: 90 seconds (then becomes the lowest priority).
Whilst i was aware of timers for some crits, i am not sure that these data are actually reliable.
I mean my example with the P-38 showed that gaijin has changed some things.
So the fellow player is imho right on track with a bug report.
In this match (replay link) i was extremely lucky:
I dove on a low bomber at 12:30 and the fellow player saw me last second and released his bombs and crashed. The bombs killed my tail control, so i had to use flaps to stay airborne.
Whilst in the past you saw in-game messages like “Player xyz lost tail control” and you were rewarded with a “crit” the bomber player got just 25 points for a hit…i could stabilize the plane and shot his friend (trying to avenge his buddy) down, last player, game won…
Just going to leave one piece of anecdotal evidence:
I saw someone remove a wing on an enemy plane, that plane crashed, was counted as an accidental crash and the player that removed the wing did not get a kill. It was not wing rip (F4U).