Crew members bleeding out

Why wounded crew members inside the vehicle don’t gradually “fall unconscious” from blood loss?

I think having a game mechanic were, after taking a penetrating hit, you need to find a safe spot to stop and bandage wounded crew or watch them slowly “die” after a few minutes would be an interesting addition to the game.

It will work like module repair, but cannot be carried out simultaneously with it.


I feel like this happens already… Unless it’s the stun mechanic they mentioned they were adding. I’ve had my gunner or driver just die randomly after take some damage, but it’ll be like 30 seconds after taking it. I do know that they added a auto heal thing for crew members, so they do already do the healing thing you mentioned

For gameplay wise, that would be so annoying. We already have so many modules that could go wrong, one of the most annoying one for me is the damaged breech 2 clicks failure, if you are just going to troll me then I would rather the breech broke completely and no way to shooting back, second one is the vertical guidance (whatever the f name is) where you can no longer raise your barrel, the last thing I want is the crews now can die from diabetes.