Could we see the AIM-7P soon?

It does, but I can’t find the original provenance of the source(I suspect it is out of one of the restricted weapons manuals).

Sources we cannot use on the forum dictate otherwise. Gaijin is aware of them as well.
There simply is no other upgrade besides expanded memory for the AIM-7MH. If trajectory shaping can be done on AIM-7MH the AIM-7M has the hardware to do it also.

AIM-7P and AIM-7P block 2 incorporate larger hardware changes that allow for improved lofting, the datalink especially negates the issue wherein it has to maintain seeker track angles.

The su27 (at least not early ones) cant use r27e models yet they are in game.

You’re welcome to provide a source that the weapon designed and intended for use with the Su-27 was in fact not used on it.

I said early variants just as early f15a could in fact not carry the aim120

The F-15A could certainly carry it. Could fire it as well!

i meant early models before software updates

Obviously if the missile hadn’t yet been produced it wouldn’t have used it. The one we have in-game has no such limitations.

I don’t think the F-15A in the US tree will receive AMRAAM though, as a method of spacing between F-4E and Fox-3s

i agree althoug that would mean the f15a would be a lot worse than the su27 not just for now but forever


Phoenix is soft capped to mach 4.2 (testing has gotten up to mach 4.3 in ideal circumstances)

IRL it was hypersonic under ideal launch circumstances (mach 2 high alt) but in Warthunder it loses around 1 mach of top speed in almost every situation compared to an IRL one

yup, it’s gimped. I just tested it by firing a Zuni and locking it with the aim54a then locking the aim54a after. it reached a speed of 600m/s going away from me and I had a speed of 2320km/h true speed, that’s 4480 km/h in total and Mach 4.2… at 11000 meters alt. wtf Gaijin that’s Amraam speed. i also did the same with the R27ER on the mig29 in perfect conditions and got mach 5.35.

Having these missiles would be bringing us to the standard of the other nations. I also think that they should get the 9m as a base modification as the planes carrying the r-73 get 2 of them stock. This would greatly reduce the pain in the stock grind as you have a higher chance at getting at least 2 kills.