Controlled Rage Challenge - how does it work?

Ok, the controlled rage challenge is upon us. But how does it work?

What exactly are ATGM/AGM and AShM?
What do you have to do in air arcade to get a credit? You need to kill a player. I tried sidewinders but it didn’t count.
Any advise is welcome.

ATGM = Anti-tank guided missile
AGM = Air-to-ground missile
AShM = Anti-ship missile

I don’t play Ground Realistic, where this challenge is the easiest.

I thought about using Nords against bombers in Air Realistic, but you would have to use ground version of them, and they don’t have the proximity fuse, so you need direct hits, which is not easy.

I also thought about doing this in Naval, but the Ki-48-II otsu is a rank 2 bomber, so it won’t work. And the He 177 A-3 is too big target and has too high BR, with enemies using radars and shells with the proximity fuse.

The only sensible way to progress in this challenge if you don’t want to play Ground Realistic is to play Ground Arcade at BR 8.0 or higher and use helicopters that require 3 air points. Just kill enemies with their ATGMs. I only played one battle so far and got 3 kills, so getting 10 shouldn’t be that hard. The main problem is you need helicopter battles and often you will get planes instead. It’s probably 50/50 for battles with planes/helicopters at 8.0 BR and above in Ground Arcade.

How would you go about doing this in Ground Realistic. I don’t have high BR vehicles but I don’t mind grinding them to achieve it.

some helicopter rank V have ATGM/AGM. That is the only way if you don’t have a high rank Air vehicle or buy G91 R4 either Italy or German version it is up to you. and use Nord AGM. gaijin really bad guy in this battlepass mission. Players who don’t have high-rank air vehicles can barely complete it.

I don’t play Ground Realistic. I didn’t even grind helicopters. And even if I had them, I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to kill anyone on the battlefield, because you don’t see enemy markers in Ground Realistic. I can already imagine enemy SPAA killing me constantly before I even spot anything, because I know nothing about this game mode.

I know people in general say that CAS is OP in Ground Realistic. But you still have to know what you are doing. It’s not like you just spawn and enemies automatically die, you still have to spot them, guide your missiles towards them, and at the same time avoid threats.

In the past I tried some battles in Ground Realistic, but I didn’t have any fun there, it was actually painful, as I usually couldn’t even spot anyone and was just dying like crazy. I know some players like Ground Realistic because of this (after all, you can do the same to the enemy), I personally don’t. Especially I play with speakers, I don’t like using headphones, so I can’t really locate enemies by their engine sound.

I only have my eyes, which are apparently not the greatest. The funny thing is that even when I watch live streams from Ground Realistic and I see some streamer aiming at specific point (with magnification), I still don’t see anything there. For me, he is aiming at nothing. And I’m always surprised he shots and actually kills someone there. I really don’t understand this, I don’t have such issues in real life. But on the monitor screen I’m just very bad at spotting small pixels if they don’t move. I also have this issue in other games, that’s the main reason why I never really seriously played FPS games.

Fortunately, this challenge is also possible to complete in Ground Arcade. It will take a bit longer (because planes/helicopters and their spawn positions are random in this game mode), but if you just play higher ranks you can do this passively.


I’m about to get the He 177 now, I only wanted to do Controlled Rage for completionism and warbonds but I’m gonna skip it, not worth the time investment for me. Thanks for all the info.


I got one kill so far with He 177. Cant one shot kill so look for the already pretty damaged target (Arcade Navy). This challenge should have been 5 kills max. Maybe even 3.


Do Tiny Tims Qualify for this challenge?

AShM-anti-ship missile - found on the tornado ids mfg
ATGM - tank based guided anti tank missiles - found on well tanks
AGM - Air To Ground missile, found on helicopters and planes.

Destroy helicopters and planes using this
Best tactic is using spikes on eurocopters against other helicopters

They aren’t AGM/ATGM/ASM, they are RKT (unguided rockets)