Constant Game Crashes?

Anyone else been getting constant game crashes recently? Especially when playing naval.

I’ve had a CTD about twice an hour all night so far and its been happening a LOT since the update

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CTD once, and then I have had this yesterday

The problem goes away after restarting the game,

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whats your pc specs and have you verified files and updated drivers?

hello Morvran btw didn’t realise its u

Never had an issue before with the game on max graphics, yes and yes

and hello

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i cant have a web browser open with the game now otherwise it crashes and I have a good system. May just be the rushed update being rushed

My ingame fps take a hit if I play youtube video at the same time.

did a little bit of looking and it seems that the Nvidea app (the replacement for Geforce experience) has worsened fps across a lot of games and sometimes puts an filter over games which tanks fps further for no visual improvement, best to check that

I have an AMD graphics card, so thankfully an issue I can avoid

AMD gets the middle child treatment for optimisation a lot of the time tho. RTX isn’t even supported on those GPUs yet so cant hope for much more

also morv mate get to sleep its 5am. I’m no better but come on

But Rodney…

you plonker rodney! it can wait, ill be joining you in HMS belfast at the sales so don’t get too comfortable