Console market workaround

I’m a console player, so I don’t have access to the market. This is fine for the most part, however there are very select few vehicles that I physically can’t get that would perfect my lineups. There’s also no way for us to get vehicle camos without getting lucky out of a box, again not very important but still great quality of life improvements. I’d love the tiger red primer camo.

I’ve read a few posts on here, most comments end up stating that it’s a Microsoft or Sony issue as to why we can’t get it since they’ll tax purchases.

Is there a reason we can’t use the current gaijin market site with our gaijin account? This would make it a third party sale not involving either console. log in with our gaijin account connected to the console, buy GaijinCoin, then whatever we buy will be associated to our gaijin account, therefore will give me it in game? No connection to either console apart from you loading it up to play the game afterwards. This cuts out extra fees from the consoles, lets gaijin stay in control of gaijin coins value, adds more revenue, and keeps more of the player base happy.

Think of it like this. If they were able to get more money from console players, they would do it in a heartbeat. There’s obviously some kind of legal issue keeping them from merging the gaijin market with console interfaces. Trust me, they will do it as soon as they are able to lol.