Not sure if this is the right place for this, however I figured it was worth a shot. I rarely comment on news posts, however the last few times I have attempted when I click send it simply deletes my message, no notification about premoderation or anything. I have also had the popup about premoderation work, and accepted it, but still nothing shows up.
Hi, I don’t see anything premoderation wise regarding any comments you’ve made. Only this one. It could be because you’re a new user on the forum.
Are you checking the main website news (e.g.
) or the forums? I think the OP means posting to the news articles from the Warthunder home page news section.
We don’t monitor the news post on the main page, The main page comments do get flagged for pre-mod however like OP mentioned. Only way to know if the comment goes through for approval is if you see it after some time passes.
All i can advise is OP posts on the news post on the forum if he wants to make his comment known.
Will check, thanks for report!
Ok, so I can see the pre-moderation info, but after refresh, I cannot see my comment waiting for approval.(but it’s there).
I will send report and request for fix. Thanks for info!
Thanks, I have no idea what would cause that but it has happened to me a couple times over the last few months