I just gameplay evaluated the Colorado in 5 separate matches. This ship s/b a Tennessee with 16" 45 cal guns. As the last of the “all-or-nothing” series of USN dreadnoughts, the protected spaces, such as magazines, would be very heavily armored. As such she should be extremely difficult to one tap rack. It was disappointing to say the least how easily she was ammo racked in actual gameplay. Almost as if the devs went nuts with the balancing at the last minute, and as usual over did it. Seriously this ship is supposed to be the new top of the tree USN flagship, and it underperforms my Tennessee in almost every category including general protection.
Seriously guys comon …
The problem is less her armor and more of how the game works. One of the ahistorical Achilles heel Gaijin gave to the standards is shell room explosions. Most US BBs store their shells in the barbette, usually above the waterline, IRL this wasnt an issue because shells were incredibly inert and any hit towards it would do nothing at all.
In War Thunder, however, everytime their hit they explode so comically large that they always set off the magazines every time. So while everyone only has to worry about getting hit below the waterline, USN BBs have a chance of easily dying from a barbette hit which is a far easier target than hitting the waterline.
Also, hits that explode inside the barbette has their explosion and splinters magically phase through thick deck armor as well as every single anti-flash measure they have. So high yield shells would also shower the magazines which of couse has a random chance of instantly blowing up the ship.
Is there any US BBs (doesn’t have to be in game) that have their shell room below the waterline?
Technically, there wasn’t. Loading could affect it, but generally speaking, they were never buried deep in the hull.
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damn. Why can’t we give the shell room an attribute where the chance of explosion is incredibly low?
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