Also it still doesn’t havd a maw system and yes the outer cockpit model is wrong
Internal cockpit is how its meant to be. Devs copy pasted the external model of the C.7 Kfir and altered the nose but missed the cockpit.
yeah i know that, im just confused about what cockpit visual bug is he talking about, unless he is just talking about the missmatched models, then kekw
Yay now give it python 4
Fr they dragging it out
Yea and now when pl8b is out its even more stupid
Yeah its all because the python 4 has good energy and irccm i would say turning but they would mess it up some how because the derby should pull way tighter than it does in game
It can be added with nerfed irccm like the aam3 with no issue
Energy wise it has no more then r27er and maybe even r27r and it doesnt pull hard of the rail like r73 or mica
I know it wont pull off the rail like a mica or aa 11 because it doesn’t use thrust vectoring it uses thrust limiting also i think the derby uses thrust limiting also but idk also they would probably just give it an 9ms seeker head if they added it right now
Yea thats what im saying and i will take that until the game will be ready for the full irccm
Israel needs its 4th gen ir in this meta
Things like the baraks f15 and the kfir c10 must have that to being competitive in top tier against ef2k rafale and now su30sm and j11b
Only f15i can fight against thos and also that only in bvr
Bare minimum has been completed
Either way, i will carry on playing this fun little fighter!