Colombian Kfir Block 60 (Upgraded C.10) for Israel


Colombian Kfir Block 60 (Upgraded C.10) for Israel

Discussion post for Kfir Block 60 or Upgraded C.10, this would be a great addition to Israeli RESEARCH tree, with possibly the NG build too.

I am not gonna yapp around about its history or whatever, I am personally interested in its weaponry, electronics and performance.

Radar: EL/M 2052 AESA
Operation Modes
Air to Air

  • Multi-target detection and tracking
  • Multi-target ACM
  • Look down shoot down
  • Up to 64 target multi tracking
    Air to Ground
    Air to Sea
  • Sea search and multi tracking

Defense System: ELL-8260/2 – INEW SPS

  • RWR
  • LWS
  • MAWS

Python 3, 4 and 5
I-Derby ER
Griffin Laser Guided Bomb
Spice EO/GPS Guided Bomb
BLU-107 Matra Durandal

Max weapons loadout seems to be, 4x Air to Air missiles of any type + 2 Spice GBUs + Targeting Pod + 1 Extra fuel tank.

Underside with armament


Used sites for info:
Colombian Kfir C.10 (The ultimate kfir) - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum - By user dutch5285@live
F-21 Kfir/Kfir Block 60 Fighter Jet | Thai Military and Asian Region
IAI Brochure regarding the radar
IAI Kfir - Wikipedia


block 60 leaked for the near winter event :)


I might want for researchable tree because advanced radar & infrared Air-to-Air armament, and battle rating to 14.3 or 14.7

it supposed to be “israeli kfir c10 block 60 for colombia” as israel the one who made it and only tested it.
colombia is the one who uses it.


Are you implying that another nation will get it, not Israel? Or just that a different flag will be put on it.

36 CM’s is awful though

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It has 72, still not the best but definitely a step up


Oh, I swear I saw that it had 36. 72 is okay, better than the disaster that is ~46 on the Su-33

Yeah, it has two CM… bundles? In contrast to the single batch of CM as seen on the earlier Kfir models



it will have the colombian flag that what i was trying to say. it will be for israel


Alright, was just curious

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Why C10 can carry only 4 missiles while C7 can carry 6.

C7 can only carry 4


oh I misremembered with Kurnass 2000 I think.

Oh ok

C10 didnt use python 3 only python 4 and above

I think they use the python 3s for training

Didnt saw a single photo of that

I found a photo of a kifr block 60/f21 carrying a python 3

U can show us?