Co-op Mode – Shared Vehicle Control

thinking about a possible new co-op mode where players in the same squad could share control of a single vehicle. It could work for different types of vehicles:
Bombers: One player flies while others control turrets, navigation, or bombing systems.
Multicrew jets: In aircraft like the Tornado, one player pilots, and another manages radar, weapons, or assists with navigation.
Tanks: One player drives while others operate the turret, machine guns, or even help with repairs.
Ships: One player commands the ship, while others control secondary guns, anti-air defenses, or manage damage control.

I know this might sound a bit unusual for War Thunder, but it could add a new level of teamwork and immersion, especially for players who like co-op experiences.


they won’t add it, too much work and no excuse for premiums

It won’t be added to WT officially sadly, seeing as it would be a bit hard for them to implement and it’s not an insanely necessary addition

Actually there would be multiple excuses. “Try out this new feature! Purchase XYZ to get access to it on the Dev!” And there would be a large influx of twin seater premiums, plus they would definitely require both players to own that premium for them to be able to use the coop feature