CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue

no but they fun to fly around and they are useful

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No, those just disappear when fired or jettisoned.

The one in game is a correct f14B cockpit, this is a modernised cockpit

That’s whats wrong with the WT community ffs… People see ‘cool’ thing and start salivating and begging gaijin for more and never once think of the gameplay implications, thats how we have this horrible mess of a game. Yes Gaijin more ‘cool’ horribly balanced mechanics and unbalanced shiney top tier vehicles!!..


AH64A Cockpit MFD RWR is broken please fix it

Technically, We have F-14B(U) because they has JDAMs in the game.
Essentially, they should not be able to carry JDAM unless they have received a cockpit modification.

Same with PzH 2000

Still no new game modes - yay!

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When it comes to f18, people dont want it because its some wonder weapon…
F15E is better in almost everything than F18C apart from air to air missile capacity. Its not Cope, its just an Iconic aircraft people want to fly, so yeah your just salty for no reason



also blackhawk cockpit rwr is broken too


Bro dont get your hopes up, been following the game for almost a damn decade now and still nothing. But hey look you get to completley f’up the entire gameplay we have with this new drone view isnt that great!..

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can confirm

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jus please fix the all MFDs

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Im starting to feel you are the bot here…

KA-50 still doesn’t have any of it’s electronic modules while every heli has it, for me it’s a strange problem

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kanka probably you are the bot and we are the real

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